minimum reinforcement in footings
why is there no apparent code requirement for minimum reinforcemnt in, specifically, continuous wall footings?
is there a requirement that i do not see?
please advise - thank you!
for the us, see aci 318-02 10.5.4. this referenced section 7.12.
for a continuous wall footing, in the direction of the wall, aci 318-02 22.7 allows for unreinforced footings. the reason is - that it is ok for such a footing to crack. it will still provide it's structural function, which is to spread the load to the soil. and no one will see a crack, as it is buried.
in addition to the aci 318 requirements, some local jurisdictions have a minimum requirement of 2 #5 in the bottom of a strip footing and #5 at 12" o.c. each way in the bottom of a spread footing. even if the engineering shows no rebar is required. |