moisture decay (dry-rot) of wood sill plates
can someone provide information regarding references on analyzing moisture decay on wood sill plates? that is, i am evaluating decay on a wood sill plate and the "threshold" on when the sill plate should be replaced. thank you.
treated wood can last thirty to fifty years. check with ice pick type probe for hidden rot or decay, epoxy mix can repair nominal voids, (up to 20% of volume).
"dry rot" is a misleading vernacular term. in order for decay to occur, wood must be at ~ 20% moisture content and available to oxygen. make sure you check the remaining structure, find the source of the moisture intrusion (water or vapor), & determine a flashing, other weatherproofing detail, or other component or moisture control system (ventilation, drainage) to prevent the problem from re-occurring.
there is an excellent article in the encyclopedia of wood by stirling publishers, chapter 17...
i understand but when viewing mold laden wood sills...at what threshold is it required for replacement. or is this strictly a judgement call by the pe.
you have to be very careful, if this is load carrying, by the time dry-rot is visable, you may have lost 30% of your strength...
i'll see if i can scan a couple of pages from the encyclopedia of wood and post them. this should be covered by fair use.
and how are you going to get rid of the mold?? |