pile cap design
i am just curious what everyone uses to design pile caps.
is there a certain program that is good for pile cap design?does anyone still use quick and dirty hand methods?
i am refering to the structural design of the pile cap, not the distribution of forces to the individual piles.
typical column ones - i just pick them out of the crsi handbook. unusual ones, shearwall foundations, etc, i just design by hand using crsi methods (deep beam shear etc).
i use tg pile. it is sold by digital canal. before that, i used to do things by hand.
this links gives you technical specs:
i also just use crsi tables.
mike mccann
mmc engineering
this old crsi program. or by hand.
what do you do when the geotech report requires spacing bigger than crsi gives for its canned pile caps?
make the cap bigger?
use the old crsi dos programs
^^^^^ i love that program
i still have it on my computer at home
i use it sometime as well...hb pilecap right? |