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se2 exam

发表于 2009-9-15 20:18:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
se2 exam
if this seems dumb to you, please pardon my question, but here it is:
i have passed my se2 exam,
1. am i supposed to receive some sort of diploma or a new registration number?
2. is my title pe, se?  or is there another exam that i have to take to be called an se?
your advice would be greatly appreciated.
to use the title se your state should have at least a title act and the requirements for meeting that title act.  if, in fact, the only requirement is passing the se2 and you have then you may call yourself an se.  i suspect there are other requirements and you may have met them already such as experience etc.
food for thought - if you are a registered professional engineer and your state has no such designations can you call yourself a se if your primary practice is se?  or are you limited to using the pe designation?  seems to me you are limited yet still to the pe only.
eng-tips forums:real solutions for real problems really quick.
thank you for your response.
the reason i am asking is we are looking to sign and seal drawings in washington dc area, and from what we know, it requires se license.  and from what i found out was that se2 exam was required.  therefore, i am curious, is that the only "exam requirements"?  certainly, there are some other paper works, ethic requirements.
calling your local city board, seaot chapter, or asce chapter and find out seems like the best way.
i'd call the dc engineering board, or committee, or whatever they have there and ask.  if they require an "se" then you need to find out how they define the license of se and ensure that you have met these requirements, filled out the necessary paperwork in dc, and payed the fee for licensure to get on their rolls.
just passing an se test doesn't give you license to practice as an se in any jurisdiction.
i am not aware that dc requires a se license....
eng-tips forums:real solutions for real problems really quick.
dc is not a state.  it is federal land.  is this a government job or private sector that you are signing?
it's a private sector job.
i am looking into dc's board of prof engr to obtain more info.
thank you all for your advices.  
1. congrats on passing the se exam.
2. tell us your story!
i will be taking the exam in october.  any tips?
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