shear tab connection to column web
aisc has the downloadable pdf
design of single plate shear connections
this is what the aisc engineering journal gives
the analysis and design of single plate framing
richard, gillett, kriegh & lewis 2qtr80
design aids for single plate framing connections
young & disque 4qtr81
discussion griffiths 3qtr82
design of single plate framing connections with a307
richard, kriegh & hormby 4qtr82
discussion becker & richard 4qtr84
discussion becker & richard 1qtr85
single-plate framing connections with grade-50 steel and
composite construction
hormby, richard & kriegh 3qtr84
errata 1qtr85
design of single plate shear connections
astaneh, call & mcmullin 1qtr89
discussion richard 3qtr90
discussion astaneh, call & mcmullin 3qtr90
discussion american institute of steel construction 3qtr90
the critical area of design maybe the yield-lines strength of the web under the tab loads m, v, n, and i think to remember it was portraited if not in these in one or other article in the aisc structural journal. with proper knowledge of yield-lines it can as well be derived.
file pu_to_web1.mcd that i may send to you (answer with an e-mail address) deals with the load normal to the web a web can take.
you have other sheets in the collaboratory of mathcad dealing with the design of shear tab plates. |