small steel cable help
hello friends! so i have this residential project. the design is very modern and cubical. the front wall doesnt have enough shear wall because it is 80% door and window. the architect actually thought about the lateral (which is very rare). the want me to put 2 steel cables that are crossing each other to form an x. so one cable will be in tension when the lateral is from one way, and the other one wont do anything... and vice versa. could someone guide me to a website where i can find the design values? how about connection? i assume these cables have to be pretensioned. i might have to specify a turnbuckle or maybe some kind of tightning mechanism at the end at the beam-column connection. can someone help?
never, but never question engineer's judgement
you could look at
try the wire rope users manual....
thats exactly what i need rcraine. i am sure the architect would love it.
never, but never question engineer's judgement
if earthquake governs, you cannot use tension only systems.
correct me if i am wrong. i don't think that it is true. i think only if you are in a certain seismic design category or higher, tension only braces are not allowed.
i speak from a canadian perspective, us codes may not have the same philosophy to seismic at this time. here in canada, we have to also consider ductile behavour of the structure and prestretched cables will not respond in a ductile manner.
vod |