stirrups in lintel beams
are stirrups typically used in lintel beams?
i have designed a 4' span and a 12' span lintel, and both meet requirements (msjc-05 str & asd) without stirrups. i just find it a little unsettling not having stirrups, but if this is common practice i can leave the design as is.
i prefer not to use stirrups but if it needs stirrups i don't hesitate. make sure that you require monolithic pours if you have no stirrups.
in lintels less than 12" in width, i use only single leg stirrups. keep in mind, that the minimum stirrup spacing for 16" deep is 6" spacing and 24" deep is 10" spacing.
i don't use stirrups either unless required. if they are needed, then it is what is is. the factor of safety is high enough i don't personally feel worried about leaving them out. it's common practice in my area to leave them out. |