strength of non-compact hss
what is the formula for reducing the strength of non-compact hss?
lrfd, pg4-8 gives the formula
phi.b mn = phi.b mp - phi.b(mp-mr)[(lb-lp)/(lr-lp)].
but the section says that this is for i or c rolled shapes only.
lrfd, app. f, pg 6-11 gives (substituting l for lambda)
mn = cb[mp - (mp-mr)[(l-lp)/(lr-lp)]
can i use the second formula for any shape?
check out our whitepaper library.
found the answer to my own question in the hss connections manual. the second equation is repeated as eqn 5.1-5. missed it the first time because i stopped reading at "for lambda<lampda.p ..."
that'll teach me. read the entire paragraph!
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