vehiculat collision
...which i have confused with impact loading.
i'm looking for an "equivalent static load" method to determine a load on a wall due to collision with a car, truck or other motorized land vehicle. there's a good method that fhwa/aashto has for *vessel* collisions with bridge piers, but i'm interested in coming up with a load that i could apply to the rear wall of a garage or a house near a highway or similar. the aashto lrfd manual has some information on "vehicular collision forces" (as opposed to "impact loads") but i couldn't use what they had since it seemed to apply mostly to railings.
any assistance will be rewarded with my gratitude.
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argh! it should be "vehicular" not "vehiculat"!
i did some "data mining", may be some useful tips here
design for vehicular impact
go to
my friends,
look what i found...
asce 7-02 under live loads lists 6 kips at 1'-6" which i think has to be factored with an impact factor
right in front of me... thanks!
i agree with tfl. we've used the 6k @ 18" to design the vehicle barriers on several garages. i believe that when factored up it equals the aisc's 10k load.
asce7-02 lists the correct design load to use. however, i recently came across this calculator which allows you to manipulate some variables to arrive at a vehicle collision load. |