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【转帖】mass properties breakdown for assy

发表于 2009-4-12 18:58:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
mass properties breakdown for assy
i am trying to iterate over a largish (216 parts, 37 assy) assy and get information about each part, specifically i need the parts mass, and the parts center of gravity coordinates in the assy. i have experience with vb and sw but not the api until now. i have disected the assembly transversal example and the mass properties example and frankenstiened them together. i think either my ancient vb experience or my lack of sw api experience is getting in the way
having problems addressing my part's model object:
set partmodel = partcomp.getmodeldoc2
set swdocext = partmodel.extension
i am apparently not using the getmodeldoc2 function correctly, i have attached the whole .bas if someone wants to give it a shot
my machine:
sw 2009 64 bit, xp 64, 12 gb ram, nvidia quadro fx 3700
edited: 11/07/2008 at 02:23 pm by douglas johnson
i'm not using 2009, so i'm not sure if they changed it, but on 2008 the call is 'getmodeldoc'
i have tried it both ways, getmodeldoc and getmodeldoc2 work in parrallel i get the same error either way.
see the following code for a running mass total of assembly components.
dim swapp as sldworks.sldworks
dim swcomps as variant
dim swassy as sldworks.assemblydoc
dim swpart as sldworks.modeldoc2
dim swcompcount as long
dim masstotal(0 to 1) as double
dim swdocext as sldworks.modeldocextension
dim swmass as sldworks.massproperty
dim bret as boolean
sub main()
set swapp = application.sldworks
set swassy = swapp.activedoc
bret = swassy.resolvealllightweightcomponents(false)
swcompcount = swassy.getcomponentcount(false)
swcomps = swassy.getcomponents(false)
masstotal(0) = 0
for i = lbound(swcomps) to ubound(swcomps)
set swpart = swcomps(i).getmodeldoc
if swpart.gettype = swdocpart then
set swdocext = swpart.extension
set swmass = swdocext.createmassproperty
masstotal(1) = masstotal(0) + (swmass.mass * 2.2046226)
debug.print "running mass: " & round(masstotal(0), 2) & " lbs. + " & round(swmass.mass * 2.2046226, 2) & " lbs. = " & round(masstotal(1), 2) & " lbs."
masstotal(0) = masstotal(1)
end if
debug.print "total mass: " & round(masstotal(1), 2) & " lbs. "
end sub
edited: 11/10/2008 at 02:32 pm by blake dahle
so i got the model doc thing working using your code but now i am discovering that all of my cg coordinates aren't in the assembly coordinates system but in the individual part coordinate system, is there some way around this?
i was looking for something exactly like the code you posted..here is my dilema...i do not know how to create a macro using this code!
i thought i could mearly copy this code create a new macro in sw and paste it and try and run it and voila! but no such luck, i get the following error:
run-time error '91':
object variable or with block variable not set
and then when i click the debug button it highlights in yellow:
if swpart.gettype = swdocpart then
below is exactly how i have the macro:
sub main()
set swapp = application.sldworks
dim swcomps as variant
dim swassy as sldworks.assemblydoc
dim swpart as sldworks.modeldoc2
dim swcompcount as long
dim masstotal(0 to 1) as double
dim swdocext as sldworks.modeldocextension
dim swmass as sldworks.massproperty
dim bret as boolean
set swapp = application.sldworks
set swassy = swapp.activedoc
bret = swassy.resolvealllightweightcomponents(false)
swcompcount = swassy.getcomponentcount(false)
swcomps = swassy.getcomponents(false)
masstotal(0) = 0
for i = lbound(swcomps) to ubound(swcomps)
set swpart = swcomps(i).getmodeldoc
if swpart.gettype = swdocpart then
set swdocext = swpart.extension
set swmass = swdocext.createmassproperty
masstotal(1) = masstotal(0) + (swmass.mass * 2.2046226)
debug.print "running mass: " & round(masstotal(0), 2) & " lbs. + " & round(swmass.mass * 2.2046226, 2) & " lbs. = " & round(masstotal(1), 2) & " lbs."
masstotal(0) = masstotal(1)
end if
debug.print "total mass: " & round(masstotal(1), 2) & " lbs. "
end sub
am i even on the right track here?
rodney peterson
if at first you don't suceed, get a big hammer and smash your computer into bits and pieces.
i'm not sure why you would be getting that error, on that line. can you send me the files you are using and i will look at it? i was unable to re-create that error with that code.
sure, which files are you referring too?
the assembly and all the parts or the macro i created?
if at first you don't suceed, get a big hammer and smash your computer into bits and pieces.
all the referenced files, assy/parts and macro. also what version are you running?
ok, i have attached a zip file with everything in it and we are using sw2008 sp4.
if at first you don't suceed, get a big hammer and smash your computer into bits and pieces.
the assembly contains toolbox items which pull in the api code as component2 objects, but are not converted to modeldoc2 objects. that is what is causing the error. if you change the code to the following it will ignore the toolbox items, and get all the other components.
dim swapp as object
sub main()
set swapp = application.sldworks
dim swcomps as variant
dim swassy as sldworks.assemblydoc
dim swpart as sldworks.modeldoc2
dim swcompcount as long
dim masstotal(0 to 1) as double
dim swdocext as sldworks.modeldocextension
dim swmass as sldworks.massproperty
dim bret as boolean
set swapp = application.sldworks
set swassy = swapp.activedoc
bret = swassy.resolvealllightweightcomponents(false)
swcompcount = swassy.getcomponentcount(false)
swcomps = swassy.getcomponents(false)
masstotal(0) = 0
for i = lbound(swcomps) to ubound(swcomps)
set swpart = swcomps(i).getmodeldoc
if not swpart is nothing then
if swpart.gettype = swdocpart then
set swdocext = swpart.extension
set swmass = swdocext.createmassproperty
masstotal(1) = masstotal(0) + (swmass.mass * 2.2046226)
debug.print "running mass: " & round(masstotal(0), 2) & " lbs. + " & round(swmass.mass * 2.2046226, 2) & " lbs. = " & round(masstotal(1), 2) & " lbs."
masstotal(0) = masstotal(1)
end if
end if
debug.print "total mass: " & round(masstotal(1), 2) & " lbs. "
end sub
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