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【转帖】askpaneview - removing

发表于 2009-4-12 19:47:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
taskpaneview - removing
hi all,
i have created the task pane and added my own active x control. given below is the code snipet.
itaskpaneview taskpan = iswapp.createtaskpaneview2("c:\\test.bmp", "this is custom tool tip");
object xcont = taskpan.addcontrol("drawingqualitytool.usercontrol1", "");
everything works fine, i could use the activex control. after finishing up my work i want to remove the created taskpane from solidworks.
i have tried but could't succeded.
if any one have the idea, please let me know with the code sample or the sw objects to be used.
thanks in advance
ravi belkhindi
ravi belkhindi
automation engineer
edited: 03/18/2009 at 07:06 am by ravi belkhindi
thanks kolin,
the problem is i have added the activex control when select item from menue.[ custome menue ]
the activex control will be added, during this there is no parameter passing into the active x control
inside the activex control i again get the reference to solidworks and open docs as reqired...
but i dont have the taskpane object reference which was created while selecting the item from menue. so i cannot remove it.
can you please tell me how to get the taskpane reference which was created using the solidworks object reference.
ravi belkhindi
automation engineer
add to general declaration of your activex control.ctl
public event taskpane()
and in click procedure of you exit button
private sub exit_click()
raiseevent taskpane
end sub
in your macro in progmgr class module
private withevents m_pcalctrl as name of your activex
private sub layout()
after: bret = m_pactivexcontrol.setclass(".....
set m_pcalctrl = m_pactivexcontrol.getcontrol
private sub m_pcalctrl_taskpane()
on error resume next
end sub
edited: 03/18/2009 at 07:36 am by ivana kolin
i am using c#.net 2.0 for my program.
as per my general understanding,
i have a close button which will call the function f(); this function will be written in addin.
now i have to register this function f() in solidworks event.
i am not understanding which event of solidworks object it has to be used.
greateful if you could explain a bit.
thanks in advance.
ravi belkhindi
automation engineer
sorry, i know only vb6 - vba.
i can make a samle program, but not in .net
greateful if you could give me a sample vba program so that i could understand.
ravi belkhindi
automation engineer
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