am i in dll hell? (whatever that means...)
i think i am in what is called "dll hell?"
situation: i had sw2008 installed on my laptop, and was developing code using visual studio c#, where i added a reference to the solidworks.interop.swdocumentmgr.dll.
my code is using the iswdmdocument11 object, specifically its method getpreviewpngbitmapbytes(). everything was working great!
then, for unrelated reasons, i had to uninstall sw2008 and install sw2007.
ever since then, my code doesn't work...i get this ugly error when my code tries to instantiate a iswdmdocument11 object:
unable to cast com object of type 'system.__comobject' to interface type 'solidworks.interop.swdocumentmgr.iswdmdocument11'. this operation failed because the queryinterface call on the com component for the interface with iid '{0245ea0b-3622-428b-a7a6-896b512dc2b9}' failed due to the following error: no such interface supported (exception from hresult: 0x80004002 (e_nointerface)).
so, even though i did not change the reference in visual studio, i'm assuming that somehow, when my code runs, it is now using the document manager api that can with sw2007 - i say this because i don't think sw2007 doc mgr api had the iswdmdocument11 object offerred.
has anyone run into a situation like this, and can advise me?
thanks in advance for reading my longish message!
sounds like you are just missing the document manager dll from 2008 when you uninstalled it. either get your hands on the dll or re-reference your project to the 2007 version, or just try to remove/re-add the reference to see if that solves it |