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【转帖】api .name2 just changes in feature tree

发表于 2009-4-13 08:55:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
api: .name2 just changes in feature tree
i have the following code that i wrote to rename the components in an assembly.  when run the code the names change on the feature tree. it appears that the names are not really changing because you can rebuild and they revert back to old names. any ideas what i am doing wrong?
set swapp = createobject("sldworks.application")
swmodel.custominfo2("", "panelnumber") = panelid
boldsetting = swapp.getuserpreferencetoggle_(swextrefupdatecompnames)
'debug.print boldsetting
swapp.setuserpreferencetoggle swextrefupdatecompnames, false
vchildcomparr = swcomp.getchildren
for i = 0 to ubound(vchildcomparr)
    set swchildcomp = vchildcomparr(i)
    curname = swchildcomp.name2
    newname = buildnewname(curname, panelid)
    'debug.print newname
    bret = swchildcomp.select(false)
    'debug.print bret
    swchildcomp.name2 = newname
    'debug.print swchildcomp.name2
    swmodel.custominfo2("", "panelnumber") = panelid
next i
swapp.setuserpreferencetoggle swextrefupdatecompnames,_ boldsetting
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