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【转帖】strange function error

发表于 2009-4-13 14:40:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
strange function error
when i run this code in it's own module it runs perfectly but when i insert it into a previously developed module it says:
compile error:
type-declaration character does not match declared data type
[refering to my use of left$()]
declare function getusername lib "advapi32.dll" alias "getusernamea" (byval lpbuffer as string, nsize as long) as long
dim strstring as string
sub getuserid()
strstring = string(255, chr$(0))
getusername strstring, 255
strstring = lcase(left$(strstring, instr(1, strstring, chr$(0)) - 1))
msgbox strstring
end sub
cad monkey
sw2k7 sp5.0
sw2k8 sp3.0
edited: 08/14/2008 at 02:39 pm by dan eldred
ok well for some reason mid works but not left.
strstring = lcase(mid(strstring, 1, instr(1, strstring, chr$(0)) - 1))
cad monkey
sw2k7 sp5.0
sw2k8 sp3.0
this is how i capture the current logged in user, works everytime:
option explicit
' get the user name function from windows
private declare function wnetgetuser lib "mpr.dll" alias "wnetgetusera" (byval lpname as string, byval username as string, lpnlength as long) as long
const noerror = 0
const lpnlength as integer = 255
dim status as integer
dim lpname, username as string
sub getusername()
' get user name
username = space$(lpnlength + 1)
status = wnetgetuser(lpname, username, lpnlength)
if status = noerror then
username = left$(username, instr(username, chr(0)) - 1)
'do something with data
msgbox "current user is: " & username
msgbox "unable to get the name."
end if
end sub
cadcam systems analyst
-solidworks office premium 2009 sp3.0
-solidworks simulation premium 2009 sp3.0
-solidworks flow simulation 2009 sp3.0
-2 cpu (fx-62), 2.0 gb of ram
-window xp pro sp2
-nvidia geforce 7950 gx2 (512mb)
yes that does produce the same result
cad monkey
sw2k7 sp5.0
sw2k8 sp3.0
its because your other module will have a function called left already defined.
change your call to this:
strstring = lcase(vba.left$(strstring, instr(1, strstring, chr$(0)) - 1))
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