statistics of k-fold decision tree using jmp
statistics of k-fold decision tree using jmp
hi everyone, i'm looking for some help to interpret a decision tree result using k-fold cross validation in jmp statistical software. basically, after partionning my data where both response and variables are continuous, i got a tree with the decision rules and a statistics associated with the k-fold cross validation. are displayed, the number of cross validation rounds (let say k-fold=10) then the two following statistics : (i) crossval sse = 29.96 (ii) sse = 21.89 how can i interpret this ? i understand from help in the software that because i have continuous response, sum of squares are calculated. many thanks in advance for kind suggestions paleolithic cross validation is a type of test in which a data set is split in "k" sub-groups. the model is tested on those sub-groups that were not used for the model building. so your cross-validation sse (sum of squared errors) is very close to the initial model sse, meaning it is robust. thumbs up ! thanks mr mask |
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