I'm desparately trying to get the sample code running in 4.2. Using the code editor, I create a sample file, testscript.bas:
Sub main Dim app As Object Set app = createobject("PCDLRN.Application") Dim part As Object Set part = app.activepartprogram Dim var As Object Set var = part.getvariablevalue("V2") If Not var is Nothing Then msgbox "Starting Script = " & var.longvalue var.longvalue = var.longvalue + 1 msgbox part.setvariablevalue("V2", var) Else msgbox "Var not there" End If End Sub The code in the part program: C2 =COMMENT/INPUT,NO,'Enter V2' ASSIGN/V2 = INT(C2.INPUT) CS1 =SCRIPT/FILENAME= C:\PROGRAM FILES\WAI\PC-DMIS V42\TESTSCRIPT.BAS FUNCTION/Main,SHOW=YES,, STARTSCRIPT/ COMMENT/OPER,NO,variable is now ,V2 ******** If I highlight and run the above block, nothing appears to happen. For instance, I set the variable to 99, run the block, and it comes back saying that the variable is 99. If I just run the basic code, I get a msgbox saying that it is 99, then one saying "true" (the assignment was successful??). If I run the code again, it says that the value is 100, then 101, then 102. But nothing happens to the variable inside the program. The example shows a line saying "ENDSCRIPT/", but no such line appears in my code window. I'm suspecting this is the problem here, but can find now way to insert that code in the program. Any thoughts? I forgot how fun BASIC was, with no debugger, tools, etc. TIA, tweaks |
回复: 【转帖】No ENDSCRIPT?
Finally called the help desk, and I hadn't marked the script! It ran the comments OK, but not the script. Once I marked it, the /ENDSCRIPT line came up by itself.
tweaks |
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