ansi 9standards0 code issues - zinc plate astm specifica
ansi zinc plate astm specifica
i've seen the standard zinc plate listed as per astm-633, and astm-b633. should the specification always include the "b", or is it for separate finish applications? i don't have a copy of astm b 633 but this would be the format. i have several other astm zinc standards including astm a 123, a 153, a 385, a 53, b 201, b 6, b 695, b 86, d 6386, f 1135 and f 2329. i would also alway recommend using the full name and then make some statement about using the latest version. matt lorono cad engineer/ecn analyst silicon valley, ca moving from the standard name to claims issues: for contract bid responses, qualify as the "latest published version" on the date when a project inquiry was received for bid submittal. |
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