旧 2007-06-24, 03:01 PM   #1
注册日期: 06-11
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yogy 向着好的方向发展
默认 参考基准须标全(Datum Features Must Be Referenced to Be Used.)


Datum Features Must Be Referenced to Be Used.
如图所示,孔的位置公差给出了基准A和B的要求, 而无相对于基准C的要求。


There continues to be the misconception that if a feature is labeled as a datum feature, its use is somehow implied. Take the drawing shown. The position tolerance on the hole references datum features A and B but not C. Therefore the hole must be perpendicular to the plane established by datum feature A and 20 mm from the axis established by datum feature B. Datum feature C has nothing to do with the position of the hole. Yes, the hole is shown on a centerline that is perpendicular to datum feature C. So, we know what the goal is. But, since datum feature C was not referenced in the position tolerance, there is no limit to how far the hole can be off the 90° angle. A couple of possible, acceptable parts are shown.

In order to avoid this, all you have to do is add datum feature C to the position tolerance.

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