旧 2009-05-06, 06:28 PM   #1
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yang686526 向着好的方向发展
默认 【转帖】new sample - odgetgeome

new sample - odgetgeomex
new sample - odgetgeomex
here are source and project files for new dd sample - odgetgeomex. this is a sample for implementing explode-kind functionality (getting the entity geometry) using dd gi library.
source and project files are for dd 1.13.
project files are for vc6, dll build. you can make project files for vc2002, 2003 and 2005 by converting project files.
to use this sample, unpack examples_src.zip to \dwgdirect\examples folder and examples_projectfiles.zip to \dwgdirect\projectfiles\win32\msvc6\examples folder. it will substitute old edition of odvectorizeex sample by new one (odgetgeomex and odvectorizeex shares some files now).
attached files
i compile getgeomex and get compile error:
q:\dwgdirect_113\include\sharedptr.h(36) : error c2248: 'odgibasevectorizererator delete' : cannot access protected member declared in class 'odgibasevectorizer'
i'm using vc2003.
michał Śliwka

fixed. please re-download examples_src.zip.
sincerely yours,
george udov
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