旧 2009-05-07, 12:39 PM   #1
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yang686526 向着好的方向发展
默认 【转帖】real time zoom and real time pan have problem in dd2.3

real time zoom and real time pan have problem in dd2.3.1
real time zoom and real time pan have problem in dd2.3.1
when i excute the commnad execmd( dd_t("zoom \n") ); in dwgviewer,the real time zoom is very slowly,what happened?
so have the real time pan,but these functions in dd2.1 have no
please help me!
i think the problem happend these code:
bool odexeditorobject:nmousemove(unsigned int nflags, int x, int y)
return m_gripmanager.onmousemove( x, y );
// if ( hasselection() && m_pgrippoints.get() )
// {
// odgsview* pview = activeview();
// bool bres = m_pgrippoints->onmousemove( odgepoint2d(x, y), pview->worldtodevicematrix() );
// if( bres )
// {
//#pragma markmessage(rect of active grip point should be passed in odgsview::invalidate())
// pview->invalidate();
// }
// return bres;
// }
// return false;
the comment code is dd 2.1,but dd2.31 have only this code
return m_gripmanager.onmousemove( x, y );
is that true?
last edited by jum_xie; 10th july 2007 at 07:51 pmfff">.
yes, i see difference in performing "zoom real time" in 2.1 and 2.3.
i think it's because of that snapping was added and was not disabled for zoom command. we'll fix it.
i want build my appliction base the dd2.3.1 lib,can you tell me how the fix the problem?
thanks a lot
sure. you should change 1 dd's include and 2 odamfcapp's source files.
please, see attached file in visual studio ("+" - lines you should add, "-" - you should remove).
the idea of the fix - to disable snapping during picking points from zoom command.
attached files (3.9 kb, 38 views)
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