旧 2007-08-05, 09:06 PM   #2
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yogy 向着好的方向发展
默认 回复: Business Meetings

Amped [adj.]
—Having a large amount of excitement and energy.
—"I'm so amped about this new product line."
—Anointed [n.]
—An employee that can't seem to do anything wrong in the eyes of management.
—Actionable [adj.]
—Originally a legal word referring to anything that affords grounds for a lawsuit. Business people have perverted it to mean anything on which an action can be taken.
—Arrows to fire [exp.]
—Points to use in an argument.
— "Now if you don't have anymore arrows to fire, I think we're finished here."
—Availability [n.]
—The measure of time the person has available to do a given task.
—“I’d like to attend your meeting but I’m not sure about my availability.”
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