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旧 2013-01-15, 09:55 AM   #1
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默认 What's the difference between PC DMIS and Virtual DMIS?

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旧 2013-01-15, 09:56 AM   #2
注册日期: 04-03
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huangyhg 向着好的方向发展
默认 回复: What's the difference between PC DMIS and Virtual DMIS?

Mike C. • Well, in my experience, PCDMIS is like using a backhoe to dig a hole.
VDmis is sort of like digging the same hole with a GI issue entrenching tool.
Seriously, PCDMIS allow you to build very precise iterative alignments from multiple datums. It allows you to have very precise control over how features are probed.
You can recall previous alignments easily, you can use numeric variables as as reference points (Circ1.X+n) Also PCDMIS data output is easy and flexible.
PCDMIS is available with different modules that tailored to specific CAD systems and or measuring requirements. It also has some very useful graphics windows.
VDMIS is less expensive, but is OK if you like arcane macros and are getting paid by the hour.
25 days ago

Amy G. • Thank you Mike for your thoughts and feedback. Do you know if someone can program VDMIS if they will also have the skill-set to program PC DMIS?
25 days ago

Jeff P. • There is always going to be a learning curve, but in general, any programmer worth his salt can learn a new language. I would say that a PC-DMIS programmer should be fairly competent in VDMIS quickly once they figure out what they can and cannot due based on what they are used to. Without actual experience in VDMIS but having used OpenDMIS which are supposed to be similiar, it is tricker to go from a pur DMIS product to PC-DMIS.
25 days ago

Mike C. • Amy, In all fairness, I must say that I have not worked on a CMM since 2004. Before that I programmed CMM's for about 14 years. I used PCDMIS for the last 5 of them. I later had a 9 month temp metrology job using a LK CMM that was running VDMIS. For the most part it involved one off type jobs where would be doing 50-60 characteristics on a prototype manually. I did write some programs for it though. I would say that if you can program PCDMIS you could program VDMIS assuming you have a goodly supply of prozac.
I hope this helps.
25 days ago

Mike C. • I agree Jeff. I was just pointing out that PCD is a much more powerful tool, especially if there are a lot of relationships (GD&T) and if you need to have robust, repeatable programs.
Data output is way easier in PCD too.
25 days ago

Jeff P. • Not disagreeing about the software. Just trying to give credit to good programmers.
25 days ago

Vladimir H. • VDMIS is an older measuring software with some innovation and modifications, the core is, however still the same - obsolete. VDMIS is not user friendly at all. Of course you can write programms directly in text editor, hm... Working with CAD models in VDMIS environment is impractical and tricky. I do not want to be taken with PCDMIS only, but cannot say the only advantage of VDMIS, though. I worked in PCDMIS for about 8 years. Presently I work in VDMIS for 2 years. It is just my point of view, anyway.
22 days ago

Samuel L. • Make sure anything you buy meets this standard, http://www.dmis.org/content/view/62/53/
21 days ago

Jim J. • The cmm software doesn't need to meet a DMIS standard, thats bull.
15 days ago

Stephen H. • There seems to be some confusion here. DMIS is a very capable programming language covered by ANSI & ISO standards. Some Cmm manufacturers have chosen to use this language as a basis for the inspection software that drives their machines. PCDMIS & Virtual DMIS are two examples of this. These software packages should be judged on their own merits which will have little to do with the DMIS itself but more in the way it has been implemented and while it is true that your inspection system does not not have to be DMIS based you should be aware that you will have a better cross platform capability if you choose software based on a standard rather than a proprietary system. Finally, I find it hard to see how any serious DMIS programmer could not be offended Michael's previous comment.
13 days ago

Jeff P. • This conversation is going way off track. Jim is correct in that the software does not have to be certified to the DMIS standard.

Michael D. - You are wrong. DMIS based software is very powerful but you have to be able to program at a very different level than non-dmis based software. Understanding how to use formulas in your programming is important. Just like creating a form in a spreadsheet is easy, creating an interactive form that does the work for you takes a better educated approach. If you feel that DMIS is a kiddie software, you will never grow into expert status.

PC-DMIS is a very powerful and expensive software. It can not be test editied off-line and requires additional modules to expand it abilities. It can be programmed off-line using 3D models.

DMIS based softwares tend to be simple at first look, making it easier for a beginning programmer to get started. They are text editable, which makes it cheaper to program offline without further expense. Unfortunately this also requires a firm grasp of DMIS commands to create a program.
13 days ago

Andre C. • DMIS is DMIS. I think vdmis is a more user friendly software.
3 days ago

Amy G. • Thank you everyone for your input on this. It's really nice to have a group to reach out to for clarification.
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