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2009-04-29, 05:36 PM | #1 |
注册日期: 06-11
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【转帖】曲线修剪问题 - 精华帖集合
曲线修剪问题 - 精华帖集合
www.dimcax.com 曲线修剪问题 请问怎么样对已添加到模型空间的曲线进行修剪啊 请帮忙 感激 得到曲线实体的指针,然后对曲线进行操作 我在网上找到点代码共享一下 共同学习! using system.diagnostics; using system.data; using system.collections; using microsoft.visualbasic; using system.collections.generic; using system; using autodesk.autocad.runtime; using autodesk.autocad.applicationservices; using autodesk.autocad.geometry; using autodesk.autocad.editorinput; using autodesk.autocad.databaseservices; // (c) copyright 2002-2005 by autodesk, inc. // // permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in // object code form for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, // provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and // that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and // restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting // documentation. // // autodesk provides this program "as is" and with all faults. // autodesk specifically disclaims any implied warranty of // merchantability or fitness for a particular use. autodesk, inc. // does not warrant that the operation of the program will be // uninterrupted or error free. // // use, duplication, or disclosure by the u.s. government is subject to // restrictions set forth in far 52.227-19 (commercial computer // software - restricted rights) and dfar 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) // (rights in technical data and computer software), as applicable. // namespace vbmgdacad1 { public class classa { [commandmethod("tlssb")] public static void tlsselectionsetbreak() { tlsselectionset ss; objectidcollection objids; objectidcollection objs = new objectidcollection(); objectid i; objectid j; point3d k; curve ocurve; curve pcurve; point3dcollection pnts; point3dcollection dots; tlstm ptm = new tlstm(); ptm.starttrans(); try { ptm.openblocktablerecord(blocktablerecord.modelspace); ss = new tlsselectionset("tlssel"); ss.setfilter(0, "line,arc,circle,ellipse,spline,lwpolyline"); ss.selectobjectonscreen(); objids = ss.toobjectidcollection(); foreach (objectid temploopvar_i in objids) { i = temploopvar_i; pnts = new point3dcollection(); ocurve = i.open(openmode.forread, false, true); foreach (objectid temploopvar_j in objids) { j = temploopvar_j; dots = new point3dcollection(); if (i.oldid != j.oldid) { pcurve = j.open(openmode.forread, false, true); ocurve.intersectwith(pcurve, intersect.onbothoperands, dots, 0, 0); foreach (point3d temploopvar_k in dots) { k = temploopvar_k; pnts.add(k); } pcurve.close(); } } ptm.sortpnts(ocurve, pnts); if (!(ocurve.closed && pnts.count == 1)) { objs.add(i); ptm.add(ocurve.getsplitcurves(pnts)); } ocurve.close(); } ptm.remove(objs); ptm.committrans(); } catch (exception) { } finally { ptm.dispose(); } } } } using system.diagnostics; using system.data; using system.collections; using microsoft.visualbasic; using system.collections.generic; using system; using autodesk.autocad.applicationservices; using autodesk.autocad.databaseservices; using autodesk.autocad.runtime; //using interop; //using interop.common; using autodesk.autocad.geometry; namespace vbmgdacad1 { public class tlsselectionset { private acadselectionset m_osel; private short[] m_vfiltertype; private object[] m_vfilterdata; private string m_sname; private acadapplication m_oapp; private acaddocument m_odoc; public void nullfilter() { //娓呯┖杩囨护鍣? m_vfiltertype = null; m_vfilterdata = null; } private bool isnull() { bool returnvalue; if (m_osel == null) { returnvalue = true; } else if (m_osel.count == 0) { returnvalue = true; } else { returnvalue = false; } return returnvalue; } public tlsselectionset() : this("tlssel") { m_oapp = application.acadapplication; } public tlsselectionset(string name) { m_oapp = application.acadapplication; m_odoc = m_oapp.activedocument; init(name); } public void init(string name) { //鍒涘缓閫夋嫨闆? nullfilter(); if (m_osel != null) { m_osel.delete(); } m_sname = name; try { m_odoc.selectionsets.item(m_sname).delete(); } catch (exception) { } m_osel = m_odoc.selectionsets.add(m_sname); } ~tlsselectionset() { base.finalize(); if (m_osel != null) { m_osel.delete(); } } public int count { //鑾峰彇閫夋嫨闆嗗疄浣撲釜鏁? get { int returnvalue; returnvalue = m_osel.returnvalue; return returnvalue; } } public string name { //鑾峰彇閫夋嫨闆嗗悕绉? get { string returnvalue; returnvalue = m_sname; return returnvalue; } } //鑾峰彇閫夋嫨闆嗗疄浣? public acadentity item(object index) { acadentity returnvalue; returnvalue = m_osel.item(index); return returnvalue; } public void additem(acadentity obj) { //鍚戦夋嫨闆嗗姞鍏ュ崟涓疄浣? acadentity[] objs = new acadentity[1]; objs[0] = obj; m_osel.additems(objs); } public void additem(acadentity[] objs) { //鍚戦夋嫨闆嗗姞鍏ュ疄浣撴暟缁? m_osel.additems(objs); } public void removeitem(acadentity obj) { //鍦ㄩ夋嫨闆嗕腑绉婚櫎鍗曚釜瀹炰綋 acadentity[] objs = new acadentity[1]; objs[0] = obj; m_osel.removeitems(objs); } public void removeitem(acadentity[] objs) { //鍦ㄩ夋嫨闆嗕腑绉婚櫎瀹炰綋鏁扮粍 m_osel.removeitems(objs); } public void clear() { //娓呯┖閫夋嫨闆? switch (m_sname) { case "pickfirst": getpickfirstselectionset(); break; case "current": getactiveselectionset(); break; default: init(m_sname); break; } m_osel.clear(); } public void update() { m_osel.update(); } public void getpickfirstselectionset() { //鑾峰彇pickfirst閫夋嫨闆? nullfilter(); if (m_osel != null) { m_osel.delete(); } m_sname = "pickfirst"; m_odoc.selectionsets.item(m_sname).delete(); m_osel = m_odoc.pickfirstselectionset; } public void getactiveselectionset() { //鑾峰彇active閫夋嫨闆? //on error resume next vbconversions warning: on error resume next not supported in c# nullfilter(); if (m_osel != null) { m_osel.delete(); } m_sname = "current"; m_odoc.selectionsets.item(m_sname).delete(); m_osel = m_odoc.activeselectionset; } public void setfiltertype(params object[] filtertype) { //璁剧疆杩囨护鍣ㄧ被鍨? object i; short ncount; ncount = filtertype.length - 1; m_vfiltertype = new short[ncount + 1]; for (i = 0; i <= ncount; i++) { m_vfiltertype = filtertype; } } public void setfilterdata(params object[] filterdata) { //璁剧疆杩囨护鍣ㄦ暟鎹? object i; int ncount; ncount = filterdata.length - 1; m_vfilterdata = new object[ncount + 1]; for (i = 0; i <= ncount; i++) { m_vfilterdata = filterdata; } } public void setfilter(params object[] filter) { //璁剧疆杩囨护鍣? object i; int n; int ncount; ncount = ((filter.length - 1) + 1) / 2 - 1; m_vfiltertype = new short[ncount + 1]; m_vfilterdata = new object[ncount + 1]; for (i = 0; i <= ncount; i++) { n = i * 2; m_vfiltertype = filter[n]; m_vfilterdata = filter[n + 1]; } } public void selectobjectonscreen() { if (information.isarray(m_vfiltertype)) { m_osel.selectonscreen(m_vfiltertype, m_vfilterdata); } else { m_osel.selectonscreen(); } } public void selectobject(acselect mode, object point1, object point2) { if (information.isarray(m_vfiltertype)) { m_osel.select(mode, point1, point2, m_vfiltertype, m_vfilterdata); } else { m_osel.select(mode, point1, point2); } } public void selectobject(acselect mode) { if (information.isarray(m_vfiltertype)) { m_osel.select(mode,,, m_vfiltertype, m_vfilterdata); } else { m_osel.select(mode); } } public void selectobjectatpoint(object point) { //on error resume next vbconversions warning: on error resume next not supported in c# if (information.isarray(m_vfiltertype)) { m_osel.selectatpoint(point, m_vfiltertype, m_vfilterdata); } else { m_osel.selectatpoint(point); } } public void selectobjectbypolygon(acselect mode, object points) { if (information.isarray(m_vfiltertype)) { m_osel.selectbypolygon(mode, points, m_vfiltertype, m_vfilterdata); } else { m_osel.selectbypolygon(mode, points); } } public bool visible { set { if (isnull()) { return; } acadentity i; foreach (acadentity temploopvar_i in m_osel) { i = temploopvar_i; i.visible = value; } } } public string layer { set { if (isnull()) { return; } acadentity i; foreach (acadentity temploopvar_i in m_osel) { i = temploopvar_i; i.layer = value; } } } public string linetype { set { if (isnull()) { return; } acadentity i; foreach (acadentity temploopvar_i in m_osel) { i = temploopvar_i; i.linetype = value; } } } public acad_color color { set { if (isnull()) { return; } acadentity i; foreach (acadentity temploopvar_i in m_osel) { i = temploopvar_i; i.color = value; } } } public void move(object point1, object point2) { if (isnull()) { return; } acadentity i; foreach (acadentity temploopvar_i in m_osel) { i = temploopvar_i; i.move(point1, point2); } } public acadentity[] copy(object point1, object point2) { if (isnull()) { return null; } acadentity[] objs; object i; objs = new acadentity[count-1 + 1]; for (i = 0; i <= count; i++) { objs = m_osel.item(i).copy; objs.move(point1, point2); } return objs; } public void rotate(object basepoint, double rotationangle) { if (isnull()) { return; } acadentity i; foreach (acadentity temploopvar_i in m_osel) { i = temploopvar_i; i.rotate(basepoint, rotationangle); } } public void rotate3d(object point1, object point2, double rotationangle) { if (isnull()) { return; } acadentity i; foreach (acadentity temploopvar_i in m_osel) { i = temploopvar_i; i.rotate3d(point1, point2, rotationangle); } } public void scaleall(object basepoint, double scalefactor) { if (isnull()) { return; } acadentity i; foreach (acadentity temploopvar_i in m_osel) { i = temploopvar_i; i.scaleentity(basepoint, scalefactor); } } public void mirror(object point1, object point2) { if (isnull()) { return; } acadentity i; foreach (acadentity temploopvar_i in m_osel) { i = temploopvar_i; i.mirror(point1, point2); } } public void mirror3d(object point1, object point2, object point3) { if (isnull()) { return; } acadentity i; foreach (acadentity temploopvar_i in m_osel) { i = temploopvar_i; i.mirror3d(point1, point2, point3); } } public void highlight(bool highlightflag) { acadentity i; foreach (acadentity temploopvar_i in m_osel) { i = temploopvar_i; i.highlight(highlightflag); } } public void delete() { m_osel.erase(); } public void copyobjects(object owner, object idpairs) { if (isnull()) { return; } m_odoc.copyobjects(toarray(), owner, idpairs); } public void copyobjects(object owner) { if (isnull()) { return; } m_odoc.copyobjects(toarray(), owner); } public void copyobjects() { if (isnull()) { return; } m_odoc.copyobjects(toarray()); } public bool getboundingbox(ref object minpoint, ref object maxpoint) { object i; object d1; object d2; object p1; object p2; if (isnull()) { return false; } m_osel.item(0).getboundingbox(d1, d2); for (i = 1; i <= count - 1; i++) { m_osel.item(i).getboundingbox(p1, p2); if (p1(0) < d1(0)) { d1(0) = p1(0); } if (p1(1) < d1(1)) { d1(1) = p1(1); } if (p2(0) > d2(0)) { d2(0) = p2(0); } if (p2(1) > d2(1)) { d2(1) = p2(1); } } minpoint = d1; maxpoint = d2; } public string toblock(object insertionpoint, string name) { if (isnull()) { return ""; } acadblock oblock; oblock = m_odoc.blocks.add(insertionpoint, name); copyobjects(oblock); return oblock.name; } public acadselectionset toselectionset() { return m_osel; } public object toarray() { object i; acadentity[] objs; int ncount; ncount = m_osel.count - 1; objs = new acadentity[ncount + 1]; for (i = 0; i <= ncount; i++) { objs = m_osel.item(i); } return objs; } public objectidcollection toobjectidcollection() { object i; objectid objid; objectidcollection objs = new objectidcollection(); for (i = 0; i <= m_osel.count - 1; i++) { objid.oldid = m_osel.item(i).objectid; objs.add(objid); } return objs; } } } using system.diagnostics; using system.data; using system.collections; using microsoft.visualbasic; using system.collections.generic; using system; using autodesk.autocad.applicationservices; using autodesk.autocad.databaseservices; using autodesk.autocad.runtime; //using interop; using autodesk.autocad.geometry; using autocadtm = autodesk.autocad.databaseservices.transactionmanager; namespace vbmgdacad1 { public class tlstm { private database pdatabase; private autodesk.autocad.databaseservices.transactionmanager ptransactionmanager; private transaction pstarttransaction; private blocktable pblocktable; private blocktablerecord pblocktablerecord; //绋嬪簭鍔熻兘锛氬悜褰撳墠鍧楄〃璁板綍涓姞鍏ュ疄浣? public object add(dbobject tlsentity) { pblocktablerecord.appendentity(tlsentity); ptransactionmanager.addnewlycreateddbobject(tlsentity, true); } //绋嬪簭鍔熻兘锛氬悜褰撳墠鍧楄〃璁板綍涓姞鍏ュ疄浣撴暟缁? public object add(dbobject[] tlsentity) { dbobject i; foreach (dbobject temploopvar_i in tlsentity) { i = temploopvar_i; add(i); } } public object add(dbobjectcollection tlsentity) { dbobject i; foreach (dbobject temploopvar_i in tlsentity) { i = temploopvar_i; add(i); } } public void remove(objectid objid) { entity oentity; oentity = objid.open(openmode.forwrite, true, true); oentity.erase(true); oentity.close(); } public void remove(objectidcollection objids) { objectid i; foreach (objectid temploopvar_i in objids) { i = temploopvar_i; remove(i); } } //绋嬪簭鍔熻兘锛氱敓鎴愪竴涓柊鍧楋紝骞跺姞鍏ュ疄浣? public objectid addblock(string name, dbobject[] entitys) { dbobject i; database pdatabase = application.documentmanager.mdiactivedocument.database; autodesk.autocad.databaseservices.transactionmanager ptransactionmanager = pdatabase.transactionmanager; transaction pstarttransaction = ptransactionmanager.starttransaction(); try { blocktable pblocktable = (blocktable) ptransactionmanager.getobject(pdatabase.blocktableid, openmode.forwrite, false); blocktablerecord pblocktablerecord = new blocktablerecord(); pblocktablerecord.name = name; pblocktable.add(pblocktablerecord); objectid pid = pblocktablerecord.id; foreach (dbobject temploopvar_i in entitys) { i = temploopvar_i; pblocktablerecord.appendentity(i); ptransactionmanager.addnewlycreateddbobject(i, true); } pblocktablerecord.close(); pblocktable.close(); pstarttransaction.commit(); return pid; } finally { pstarttransaction.dispose(); } } //寮濮嬩簨鍔? public void starttrans() { pdatabase = application.documentmanager.mdiactivedocument.database; ptransactionmanager = pdatabase.transactionmanager; pstarttransaction = ptransactionmanager.starttransaction(); } //鎵撳紑涓涓潡琛ㄨ褰? public void openblocktablerecord(string str) { pblocktable = (blocktable) ptransactionmanager.getobject(pdatabase.blocktableid, openmode.forread, false); pblocktablerecord = (blocktablerecord) ptransactionmanager.getobject(pblocktable[str], openmode.forwrite, false); } //浜嬪姟鎻愪氦 public void committrans() { pblocktablerecord.close(); pblocktable.close(); pstarttransaction.commit(); } //浜嬪姟缁撴潫 public void dispose() { pstarttransaction.dispose(); pblocktablerecord = null; pblocktable = null; pstarttransaction = null; ptransactionmanager = null; pdatabase = null; } //鑾峰彇褰撳墠鐨勮緟鍔╁伐鍏? public acadutility utility() { return application.acadapplication.activedocument.utility; } //鏇茬嚎涓婄殑鐐规帓搴? public void sortpnts(curve tlscurve, point3dcollection tlspnts) { short i; short j; short ncount; point3d ptmp; ncount = tlspnts.count; for (i = 1; i <= ncount - 1; i++) { for (j = 0; j <= ncount - i - 1; j++) { try { if (tlscurve.getdistatpoint(tlspnts[j]) > tlscurve.getdistatpoint(tlspnts[j + 1])) { ptmp = tlspnts[j]; tlspnts.removeat(j); tlspnts.insert(j + 1, ptmp); } } catch (exception) { } } } } public line addline(double[] pointer1, double[] pointer2) { line pline; pline = new line(new point3d(pointer1[0], pointer1[1], pointer1[2]), new point3d(pointer2[0], pointer2[1], pointer2[2])); add(pline); return pline; } } } 看不懂啊,太有才了。 把我n年前的东西翻出来了,汗,不过上面是c#的,哈 把我n年前的东西翻出来了,汗,不过上面是c#的,哈 雪山飞狐 发表于 2009-4-7 06:32 pm 高手要经常发帖啊 c#最适合开发autocad,因为它拥有vb容易的特点,却具有vc++的强大功能。 |
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