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旧 2009-12-11, 03:38 PM   #1
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hijk052 向着好的方向发展
拇指朝下 dark is brief

dark is brief
When fighting is a very cool feeling, listen to the English song, an extraordinary feeling of happiness will be that simple. Killing or was killed, it does not matter, K out others, so that they got some achivement, K out by others, the people know they can not be perfect, but most allow themselves was pleased that the Angels from the resurrection of an older sister. In an instant, their senses of invincibility become stronger.
It is a game itself. Since you like it, like it all, BL or LM is indifferent, I do not like every day someone said his camp is good, then the other side is nausea and hypocrisy. Just a game, from the very beginning, we only choose from the figures, career choices, with their own feelings. Like every day forum to criticize Laima people, I feel he is really a brain cramp, world of warcraft at least at present is a more reasonable, the classic game.
No matter from the screen or from the historical background of a game that is so complete, so the twists and turns, has profound meaning. I only know that there are no good or bad history of world of Warcraft, all SAS is because they do not have enough capacity hacked to death grams of that total only to pull out the cream of sadness,wow gold Jaina first know BL and LM are among those dispute is no need, and perhaps also the soul of the old wheat KLZ, repentance, perhaps Guer Dan did not regret the death of their forces in pursuit.
Like "Warcraft souls Overture", said, is also a belief in the dark.
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【转帖】using The Dark Color Palette yang686526 DirectDWG 0 2009-05-07 06:07 PM
【转帖】宇宙将走向哪里 huangyhg 天一亭(文化) 0 2009-01-21 12:21 AM

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