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huangyhg 向着好的方向发展
默认 How to give a persuasive presentation


Study the phrases you can use in a presentation.

The goal of a persuasive presentation is to convince listeners to accept your opinion, proposal or product.

You will need to identify your goal and your main idea.

Mark is a corporate computer salesman. He is delivering a presentation to a potential client, a big advertising agency. He is presenting his new computer product line to a company. He wants to convince management to buy new computers for their employees.

Goal: To sell $20,000 worth of computer equipment.
Main idea: The ad agency's computers will soon be outdated and upgrading their computer equipment will increase their profitability by 50 percent.

Providing supporting details

A persuasive presentation must offer enough evidence and supporting details to sway the listeners to your side.

Consider the two versions of the same statement from Mark:

First version

Mark: I'm sure a lot of clients will be coming to you because of the upcoming elections. I'd like to raise this question: is your company ready for the huge work load

Improved version

Mark: I'm sure a lot of clients will be coming to you because of the upcoming elections. I'd like to illustrate this point with an example. Last year, Company XYZ, an agency half your size, made 200 online videos and over 1,000 digital ads in August and September alone! I'd like to raise this question: is your company ready for the huge work load?

Creating a feeling of urgency

It should also create a feeling of urgency and motivate the listener to act in your favor as soon as possible.

Once again, consider the two versions of the same statement:

First version

Mark: It will be to your benefit to upgrade your computer equipment.

Improved version

Mark: While our discussion is still fresh on your mind, consider the benefits of upgrading your computer equipment now.

Making the listener think

An indirect way of persuading is changing statements to questions. Many believe that this strategy is more effective because instead of dictating to the listener, it poses a question that makes the listener think.

Again, consider the two versions of the same statement.

First version

Mark: You should buy new computers for your employees for them to be more productive.

Improved version

Mark: Wouldn't it increase the productivity of your employees if they had new computers?


Below are phrases you can use in your presentation.

Providing supporting details

In fact … In fact, 200 people bought our product within the first five minutes after it was launched.
Actually, … Actually, recent surveys disprove this argument.
In other words … We will focus our campaign on social networks. In other words, we want news to spread through word of mouth.
Namely, … Two customers, namely Anne and Bob, sent in negative feedback.
Specifically … Animals, specifically dogs and cats, are sensitive to sound.
In particular ... Animals, dogs and cats in particular, are sensitive to sound.

Giving examples

For example ... For example, Company XYZ went into real estate.
For instance ... For instance, Company XYZ went into real estate.
The first (second, another, etc.) example/reason is ...
The following examples show us that _____. The following examples show us that people now use their mobile phones as cameras.
I'd like to illustrate this point with an example.

Creating a feeling of urgency

Before you forget ... Before you forget, write down your questions for the discussion later.
There is a limited time ... There is a limited time for this offer.
Take note of the deadline ... Take note of the deadline for submissions.
While it's fresh on your mind ... While it's fresh on your mind, let's discuss the many features of the STx-107 camera.
You can seize the opportunity … You can seize the opportunity to be part of this change!
Now that _____, when will you _____? Now that you know the benefits of this product, when will you decide to switch?

Making the listener think

Isn't it that …? Isn't it that more women prefer Brand X?
Wouldn't it …? Wouldn't it be wise to place your order now?
Perhaps, if ….? Perhaps, if you compare Brand X with Brand Y, you will see the huge difference.
Don't you think that …? Don't you think that replacing your computers now would help you prepare for the end-of-the-year rush?
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How to do a product presentation I huangyhg 无为塔(留学) 2 2016-06-22 04:37 PM

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