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旧 2008-10-29, 07:16 PM   #1
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huangyhg 向着好的方向发展
默认 would you pls tell me calculation of the bonus of true position when I use the MMC

<< Wei Yan -- 04/17/06 22:41:47>>
would you pls tell me calculation of the bonus of true position when I use the MMC of feature and the catum?

Steps to reproduce:
when I use datum of MMC ruler ,the first datum is a plane,second datum is line,the third one is a circle(MMC),and the feature is also used MMC,
DF is in tolerance,but the bonus of TP is JUST the feature's bonus.I want to knonw how to calculate the bonus of TP,and the relationship between the bonus of feature and datum.les look at the attachment.
huangyhg离线中   回复时引用此帖
旧 2008-10-29, 07:17 PM   #2
注册日期: 04-03
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huangyhg 向着好的方向发展
默认 回复: would you pls tell me calculation of the bonus of true position when I use the MMC

<< Don Turcotte -- 10/28/08 08:38:36>>
PC-DMIS uses a datum fitting algorithm that emulates the function of a hard gauge. Datums constrain degrees of freedom (translation in X,Y,Z and rotation about X,Y,Z). The primary datum constrains as many of the 6 degrees of freedom as the datum feature allows. So a primary plane constrains translation in Z and rotation about X and Y. The secondary datum constrains as many of the remaining degrees of freedom as the datum feature allows. So a secondary line constrains translation in Y and rotation about Z. The tertiary datum constrains the remaining degrees of freedom. So in this case the tertiary circle constrains only translation in X. Since the tertiary datum is at MMC, the datum fitter can slide the datum reference frame alignment in X to the extent of the bonus on the tertiary datum. The datum fitter tries to reduce the deviation on the considered feature as much as possible. The TP line reports the available bonus on the considered feature plus the remaining bonus on the datum after fitting. In this case, the fitter used all the available datum bonus trying to bring the considered feature within tolerance so the bonus on the TP line is only the bonus on the considered feature.

In your example, if you wanted the circle to constrain both translation in X and Y, then the circle should be the secondary datum @ MMC and the line should be the tertiary datum in which case the line would constrain only rotation about Z.
huangyhg离线中   回复时引用此帖

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mathematical definition of dimensioning and tolerance principles AS<E Y14.5. M - 1994 huangyhg American standards 3 2008-07-03 09:20 AM
OpenCSG-1.0.2 sample yogy vc编程 2 2007-07-22 04:43 PM

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