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旧 2009-09-10, 11:48 AM   #1
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huangyhg 向着好的方向发展
默认 louisiana building code

louisiana building code
i have to review a house drawing for state of louisiana. i think this state is going under lot of changes for it's code. any body has good clue which code i should use.
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call the local office and find out. or if you had done a quick search on google, you would have found plenty including this which references the uses of the current codes
i found this on google but name of code seemed little different to be a states building code
i don't mean to come off as rude or anything, but that is something that can easily be found with a little research.
sorry if i sounded harsh.
all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
edmund burke

to me looks like this state could is chnaging a lot after the destruction. i am expecting if someonei s keeping track on it can guide me well. i searhed a lot on internet but could not find good answers
i assume you are registered as engineer in la, since you are proposing engineering review. if you use asce 7 for wind design, you will be covered regardless of what building code applies since irc and other variations allow you to engineer wind loading.
here is what the icc website report:
louisiana statewide
2006 international building code
2006 international existing building code
2006 international fuel gas code
2006 international mechanical code
2006 international residential code
louisiana state fire marshal
2000 international building code
and a whole bunch of jurisdications have a myriad of combinations.
don phillips
thanks donphillips
for residental the international residental code (irc) applies. last i checked 2000 was the year being used, but it was supposed to be bumped up to 2006 soon, so by now i would guess 2006 applies. contact the building officials of louisiana
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