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旧 2009-12-11, 03:37 PM   #1
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hijk052 向着好的方向发展
酷 FFXI Level Changes

FFXI Level Changes
Due to the extreme popularity of Final Fantasy XI arising as a result of a large number of players attempting to acquire the leveling change will do longer. A new method of obtaining the leveling is currently under consideration and will be implemented shortly. There are no plans on changing the drop rate of the leveling in question. However, our development team would like to grant players more opportunities to obtain it.
For those of us whom own Final Fantasy XI, it's been a little while since we sat down and played the game. This newest version update, however, is causing us to consider a return. Our biggest gripe with Final Fantasy XI was that while grouping was a lot of fun, it was also ridiculously hard to find one. So with that in mind, the three biggest pieces of this update are Level Sync, removal of level restrictions for gear and reduction of the experience curve. Level Sync allows a party leader to bring any higher-level players within the party down to their level. It will essentially allow any low-level players to group with high levels, which is a big win for everyone, unless you really don't want to play lower-level content again -- even with your friends.
Square-Enix is making it easier to not only find groups but also to level up into the end-game content, of which there is a ton. Our only worry is whether or not higher level players will really feel like playing in the lowbie zones again, even if it does mean they get to play with friends. Regardless of our worries, this is really a change that should have come a couple years ago, but we're happy to finally see it regardless. We've posted the all-important leveling tweaks after the break.
The new "Level Sync" system has been implemented.
Now, the player have the ability to receive equivalent eexperience points through this system, which are in the same party regardless of any disparity in levels between them. Level restrictions don't prevent players from equipping gear of a level beyond that restriction. Enemies which check as "easy prey" and "decent challenge" now yield more experience points when defeated. The combat skill required to learn the first weapon skill for each weapon type has been lowered from 10 to 5. The levels of certain monsters in the following areas have been adjusted:
West Ronfaure / East Ronfaure / La Theine Plateau / Valkurm Dunes / Jugner Forest / Batallia Downs / North Gustaberg / South Gustaberg / Konschtat Highlands / Pashhow Marshlands / Rolanberry Fields / West Sarutabaruta / East Sarutabaruta / Tahrongi Canyon / Buburimu Peninsula / Meriphataud Mountains / Sauromugue Champaign / Qufim Island / Behemoth's Dominion The potency and frequency of special attacks for certain monsters in the following families has been adjusted using a low-level standard. PCs at lower levels will now find these monsters easier to fight:
Mandragora / Funguars / Crawlers / Lizards.
That's all about Final Fantasy XI leveling changes. We hope that this content is useful and beneficial for you to play this online game to gain more happiness and joy.
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