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旧 2009-05-07, 07:17 PM   #1
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yang686526 向着好的方向发展
默认 【转帖】windows 64-bit Platform

windows 64-bit platform
windows 64-bit platform
can someone tell me if dwgdirect (and dgndirect) is supported on the itanium or pentium em64t cpu's. or does supporting the windows 64-bit platform mean this implicitly? if not then is there a scheduled release that will support them?
surpac minex group
there is a windows 64-bit version of dwgdirect available on the "windows (64-bit)" download page of our web site (see the link on the main member download page). that version can be used on the itanium processor.
please post another inquiry on the dgndirect section of the forum, and our dgn support person will assist you with your question regarding dgn.

thanks neil.
is there a plan for the amd athlon 64 and intel pentium em64t processors running winxp64 at this stage?
originally posted by
there is a windows 64-bit version of dwgdirect available on the "windows (64-bit)" download page of our web site (see the link on the main member download page). that version can be used on the itanium processor.
please post another inquiry on the dgndirect section of the forum, and our dgn support person will assist you with your question regarding dgn.
we intend to provide whatever 64-bit versions our members require. can you please be a bit more specific about the compiler you are interested in (ms or intel), and the settings you need?

currently we are using msvc c++ .net 2003 to build our main distribution build and red hat linux g++ 3.2.3 as our second environment...
here is a vc++ build line...
cl -c -tp -gx -gr /zc:forscope /we4700 -qifdiv- /w3 /op /mtd -dsmg_has_dwgdirect -zi -debug -debugtype:cv -dssi_no_inline -gf -rtccsu -i../shared/include -ic:/master/dandb/src/../shared/include -i. -iinclude -ic:/dev/dandb/develop/nt_i386/obj/include -ic:/master/dandb/src/include -ic:/master/dandb/src/ -ic:/master/dandb/src/tcl/generic -dforc -ic:/master/dandb/develop/nt_i386/obj/include -i../shared/win32 -ic:/master/dandb/src/../shared/win32 -djdk_major_version=1 -djdk_minor_version=5 -djdk_micro_version=0 -djdk_update_version= -djdk_version=1.5.0 -ic:/jdk1.5.0/include -ic:/jdk1.5.0/include/win32 -ic:/software/hasp12/win32api/c -dsmg_has_hasp -ic:/software/old-dvl/rainbow/superpro -ic:/software/old-dvl/rainbow/cplus/nt_i386/lib -iwintab/wtkit/include -ic:/master/dandb/src/wintab/wtkit/include -ic:/software/geocom/nt_i386 -dsmg_has_freeimage -dssi_has_sirovision -ic:/software/sirovision/include -ic:/progra~1/tclpro1.4/include -dsmg_has_tclpro -dsmg_hoops_version=1116 -ic:/software/hoops/hoops-1116/dev_tools/hoops_3dgs/include -ic:/software/hoops/hoops-1116/dev_tools/hoops_stream/include -ic:/software/boost_1_31_0 -ic:/software/dwgdirect/include -ic:/software/dwgdirect/include/gi -ic:/software/dwgdirect/include/ge -ic:/software/dwgdirect/include/gs -ic:/software/dwgdirect/include/modelergeometry -ic:/software/dgndirect/dgntk/sdk -dsmg_has_dgndirect -ic:/software/mitab-1.2.4/mitab -ic:/software/mitab-1.2.4/ogr -ic:/software/mitab-1.2.4/cpl -ifcrt -ic:/master/dandb/src/fcrt -ddevelopment -dwin32 -d_win32 -d_x86_=1 -dnt_i386 -dstrict -dnominmax -iserver -ic:/master/dandb/src/server -ddatabase_isam -dssicisam -iaccsysp -ddatabase_paradox -ddatabase_dbase -ddatabase_foxpro -ddatabase_odbc_dd -ic:/software/old-dvl/intersolv/nt_i386 -ddatabase_access_jet -tpserver/callbackserver.cpp -foc:/dev/dandb/develop/nt_i386/obj/server/callbackserver.obj -fdc:/dev/dandb/develop/nt_i386/obj/vc70.pdb
microsoft (r) 32-bit c/c++ optimizing compiler version 13.10.3077 for 80x86
copyright (c) microsoft corporation 1984-2002. all rights reserved.
...and here is one of the lunix build lines...
g++ -fpermissive -c -ignu -wall -wconversion -fno-common -wcast-qual -s -o2 -i../shared/include -iinclude -i. -i../product/linux-x86/obj/include -itcl/generic -dforc -i/usr/x11r6/include -djdk_major_version=1 -djdk_minor_version=5 -djdk_micro_version=0 -djdk_update_version= -djdk_version=1.5.0 -i/ssi/software/jdk/jdk1.5.0/linux/include -i/ssi/software/jdk/jdk1.5.0/linux/include/linux -dsmg_hoops_version=1110 -i/ssi/software/hoops/hoops-1110/dev_tools/hoops_3dgs/include -i/ssi/software/boost_1_31_0 -i/ssi/software/opendwg/linux -i/ssi/software/opendwg/linux/io -dssi_has_autocad -dod_generic_read -dsmg_has_autocad -i/ssi/software/mitab-1.2.4/mitab -i/ssi/software/mitab-1.2.4/ogr -i/ssi/software/mitab-1.2.4/cpl -ifcrt -dproduction -dndebug -dmsc_ndebug -dunix -dlinux -iapp app/3dtran.c -o ../product/linux-x86/obj/app/3dtran.o
let me know as you require more info.
originally posted by
we intend to provide whatever 64-bit versions our members require. can you please be a bit more specific about the compiler you are interested in (ms or intel), and the settings you need?
thanks for the info. we should have 64-bit linux and athlon 64 / em64t versions of dwgdirect available within the next 2-3 months. the current set of windows 64-bit libs available on our download page is built for ia64.

64 bit for amd64 and intel emt 64
hi andy,
even i am also looking for the same.
did you get any updates from open design ?
any expected date ?
we are stuck with a release due to it.
ia64 no longer downloadable?
what happened to ia64? i don't see it as an option on the website. just amd is there. is it not supported?
there has been virtually no demand for ia64 from our members (only for amd). please send a request for this platform to and include your oda username.

thanks neil,
i sent support an e-mail although i'm confused and not really sure if i need ia64 or not. i just asked because i don't have an amd machine. it's an intel xeon on xp64. i thought it wouldn't matter to use the amd64 libraries but when i built with them i got a ton of linking errors. i'm building in release and checked my folder location and everything seems fine except for the linking errors i get. i get a lot more (over 400) but they all have to do with the dd_amd64md_db.lib. so then i assumed i was using the wrong libraries. hopefully support will straighten me out. thanks again.
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(odtoolkit.obj) : error lnk2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static class odrxclass * __cdecl oddbbasehostappservices::desc(void)" (?desc@oddbbasehostappservices@@sapeavodrxclass@@xz) referenced in function "public: static void __cdecl oddbhostappservices::rxinit(void)" (?rxinit@oddbhostappservices@@saxxz)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(odtoolkit.obj) : error lnk2019: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual class oddbhostappprogressmeter * __cdecl oddbbasehostappservices::newprogressmeter(void)" (?newprogressmeter@oddbbasehostappservices@@ueaapeavoddbhostappprogressmeter@@xz) referenced in function "public: virtual class oddbhostappprogressmeter * __cdecl oddbhostappservices::newprogressmeter(void)" (?newprogressmeter@oddbhostappservices@@ueaapeavoddbhostappprogressmeter@@xz)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(odtoolkit.obj) : error lnk2019: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __cdecl oddbbasehostappservices::releaseprogressmeter(class oddbhostappprogressmeter *)" (?releaseprogressmeter@oddbbasehostappservices@@ueaaxpeavoddbhostappprogressmeter@@@z) referenced in function "public: virtual void __cdecl oddbhostappservices::releaseprogressmeter(class oddbhostappprogressmeter *)" (?releaseprogressmeter@oddbhostappservices@@ueaaxpeavoddbhostappprogressmeter@@@z)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(odtoolkit.obj) : error lnk2019: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual class odrxobject * __cdecl oddbbasehostappservices::queryx(class odrxclass const *)const " (?queryx@oddbbasehostappservices@@uebapeavodrxobject@@pebvodrxclass@@@z) referenced in function "class odrxobject * __cdecl odqueryximpl<class oddbhostappservices,class oddbbasehostappservices>(class oddbhostappservices const *,class odrxclass const *)" (??$odqueryximpl@voddbhostappservices@@voddbbasehostappservices@@@@yapeavodrxobject@@pebvoddbhostappservices@@pebvodrxclass@@@z)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(odtoolkit.obj) : error lnk2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl oddbbasehostappservices:ddbbasehostappservices(void)" (??0oddbbasehostappservices@@qeaa@xz) referenced in function "public: __cdecl oddbhostappservices:ddbhostappservices(void)" (??0oddbhostappservices@@qeaa@xz)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(odtoolkit.obj) : error lnk2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static class odstring __cdecl odfontmapper::getname(class odstring const &,bool)" (?getname@odfontmapper@@sa?avodstring@@aebv2@_n@z) referenced in function "public: virtual class odstring __cdecl oddbhostappservices::getpreferablefont(class odstring const &,enum odfonttype)" (?getpreferablefont@oddbhostappservices@@ueaa?avodstring@@aebv2@w4odfonttype@@@z)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(odtoolkit.obj) : error lnk2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static void __cdecl odfontmapper::init(class odstreambuf *)" (?init@odfontmapper@@saxpeavodstreambuf@@@z) referenced in function "public: virtual class odstring __cdecl oddbhostappservices::getpreferablefont(class odstring const &,enum odfonttype)" (?getpreferablefont@oddbhostappservices@@ueaa?avodstring@@aebv2@w4odfonttype@@@z)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(odtoolkit.obj) : error lnk2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static bool __cdecl odfontmapper::isloaded(void)" (?isloaded@odfontmapper@@sa_nxz) referenced in function "public: virtual class odstring __cdecl oddbhostappservices::getpreferablefont(class odstring const &,enum odfonttype)" (?getpreferablefont@oddbhostappservices@@ueaa?avodstring@@aebv2@w4odfonttype@@@z)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(dwgincontroller.obj) : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl odauditinfo::errorsfixed(int)" (?errorsfixed@odauditinfo@@qeaaxh@z)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(dbmleaderstyle.obj) : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl odauditinfo::errorsfixed(int)" (?errorsfixed@odauditinfo@@qeaaxh@z)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(dbdxfheaderloader.obj) : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl odauditinfo::errorsfixed(int)" (?errorsfixed@odauditinfo@@qeaaxh@z)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(dwgr12tableloader.obj) : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl odauditinfo::errorsfixed(int)" (?errorsfixed@odauditinfo@@qeaaxh@z)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(proxystuff.obj) : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl odauditinfo::errorsfixed(int)" (?errorsfixed@odauditinfo@@qeaaxh@z)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(rtext.obj) : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl odauditinfo::errorsfixed(int)" (?errorsfixed@odauditinfo@@qeaaxh@z)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(dbtablestyle.obj) : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl odauditinfo::errorsfixed(int)" (?errorsfixed@odauditinfo@@qeaaxh@z)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(dbtable.obj) : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl odauditinfo::errorsfixed(int)" (?errorsfixed@odauditinfo@@qeaaxh@z)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(dbregapptable.obj) : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl odauditinfo::errorsfixed(int)" (?errorsfixed@odauditinfo@@qeaaxh@z)
2>dd_amd64md_db.lib(dbshape.obj) : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl odauditinfo::errorsfixed(int)" (?errorsfixed@odauditinfo@@qeaaxh@z)
from those errors it looks like you may need to link in the dbroot library (new with 2.05).

thanks neil,
everything is working perfectly and i now see that in the documentation . thanks again.
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于2004年创办,几何尺寸与公差论坛"致力于产品几何量公差标准GD&T | GPS研究/CAD设计/CAM加工/CMM测量"。免责声明:论坛严禁发布色情反动言论及有关违反国家法律法规内容!情节严重者提供其IP,并配合相关部门进行严厉查处,若內容有涉及侵权,请立即联系我们QQ:44671734。注:此论坛须管理员验证方可发帖。