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旧 2009-09-05, 11:48 AM   #1
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默认 multi-sheet drawings

multi-sheet drawings
somewhere in the asme standards, doesn't it say that all sheets of a multi-sheet drawing are to be the same sheet size? i thought it would be in asme y14.1, but have yet to find it.
i believe it is somewhere. it's also basic drafting practice. if you have a c size and need another sht, you don't add a b size, you make the dwg a d size or add another c size.
solidworks 07 3.0/pdmworks 07
autocad 06
even if it's not in the standard, it is an important practice. in the old pencil/paper days, having multiple sizes for a multi-sheet drawing would've difficult to store. many places keep d size drawings in a different location from c and b. nowadays, it's more related to easy of printer/plotter settings. if you have muitiple sizes on a drawing, it will require a lot more forethought before the drawing can be phyically printed.
cad engineer/ecn analyst
silicon valley, ca
indeed, maintaining common sheet size is the way to do it, and most drm's include say to keep multi-sheets the same size, but when challenged, as we often are by young cad jockies, i wish i could find and site the wording in the ansi/asme specs.
asme y14.1 states the following for continuation sheets on an engineering drawing:
5.6 continuation sheets
continuation sheets are used for second and subsequent sheets of a multiple sheet drawing. for continuation sheet title blocks see figs. 6 and 7. as an option, title blocks shown in figs. 4 and 5 may be used. all sheets of a multiple sheet drawing should be the same size. zone requirements for continuation sheets are in accordance with para. 5.3. see figs. 1, 2, and 3.
the reference to all sheet sizes being the same is presented as a "should" reference, so many may interpret this as a non-mandatory requirement.
thanks gdtguy. i was looking right it and didn't see it. i know, ansi/asme specs use a lot of wimpy "shoulds" and "mays", when we wish for more contractural language like "shalls" and "musts" to nail things down and avoid arguements.
i worked at one company where we used a c-size sheet for sheet 1 and then d or e for the subsequent sheets.
i do like the practice of all sheets being the same size. in a cad system, it is hard to make different size sheets in the same drawing file.
"wildfires are dangerous, hard to control, and economically catastrophic."
ben loosli
sr is technologist
l-3 communications
depends... ug doesn't give a hoot what size subsequent sheets are.
right. we use solid edge (ug) and it handles it, but it is still a bad way to go, and is a pain when you want to print up a clean presentation package. plus pdf's get funky too.
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