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2009-04-12, 09:33 PM | #1 |
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【转帖】length width macro
length width macro
hi, the code pasted below is to get the length and width of a part and i have been having alot of trouble with it and was wondering if somebody could help me with it. i have been playing with this code for quite some time now and just cannot figure out what is wrong. it errors out at "set swconfig = swconfigmgr.activeconfiguration" and also with the math utility. i found this code on this site but it was not complete so i defined almost all the variables so i might have made a mistake there. dim swapp as sldworks.sldworks dim swmodel as sldworks.modeldoc2 dim swfeature as sldworks.feature dim swsheetmetal as sldworks.sheetmetalfeaturedata dim swbody as sldworks.body2 dim swmassprop as sldworks.massproperty dim swconfig as sldworks.configuration dim swconfigmgr as sldworks.configurationmanager dim swmodelextension as sldworks.modeldocextension dim swcustompropertymanager as sldworks.custompropertymanager dim swconfigurationflat as sldworks.configuration dim swmodelext as sldworks.modeldocextension dim swmassproperty as sldworks.massproperty dim swpart as sldworks.partdoc dim lresults as long dim dthickness as double dim vresults as variant dim dvolume as double dim vconfig as variant dim sresults as string dim bresults as boolean dim vbody as variant dim smaterial as string dim dhoriz as double dim dvert as double sub main() set swapp = application.sldworks set swmodel = swapp.activedoc set swfeature = swmodel.firstfeature do until swfeature is nothing if swfeature.gettypename = "sheetmetal" then exit do set swfeature = swfeature.getnextfeature loop set swsheetmetal = swfeature.getdefinition dthickness = swsheetmetal.thickness set swmodelextension = swmodel.extension set swmassprop = swmodelextension.createmassproperty set swconfig = swconfigmgr.activeconfiguration lresults = swconfig.getchildrencount if lresults = 0 then exit sub vconfig = swconfig.getchildren set swcustompropertymanager = swconfig.custompropertymanager set swconfigurationflat = vconfig(0) dim s as integer if ubound(vconfig) > 0 then sresults = swconfigurationflat.name bresults = false for s = 1 to len(sresults) - 5 if mid(sresults, s, 4) = "flat" then bresults = true exit for end if next s if bresults = false then set swconfigurationflat = vconfig(1) end if end if swmodel.showconfiguration2 (swconfigurationflat.name) set swmodelext = swmodel.extension set swmassproperty = swmodelext.createmassproperty set swpart = swmodel dvolume = swmassproperty.volume vbody = swpart.getbodies2(swsolidbody, true) set swbody = vbody(0) vresults = getoutsidedimensions(swbody, dthickness, dvolume) dthickness = conversion(toin, dthickness) smaterial = swpart.materialidname dhoriz = round(vresults(0) + 0.499, 0) dvert = round(vresults(1) + 0.499, 0) end sub 'you will also need the function getoutsidedimensions function getoutsidedimensions(swbody as sldworks.body2, dthickness as double, dvolume as double) as variant dim swface as sldworks.face2 dim darea as double dim normal as variant dim dtrans(15) as double dim vtrans as variant dim dpoint(2) as double dim vpoint as variant dim swmathutil as sldworks.mathutility dim swmathtrans as sldworks.mathtransform dim swmathpoint as sldworks.mathpoint dim vcorner1 as variant dim vcorner2 as variant dim vstartpoint as variant dim vendpoint as variant dim vcenter as variant dim dradius as double dim dangle1 as double dim dangle2 as double dim vcurveparams as variant dim vcircleparams as variant dim swedge as sldworks.edge dim vedges as variant dim swloop as sldworks.loop2 dim vedge as variant dim dxmin as double dim dxmax as double dim dymin as double dim dymax as double dim bstart as boolean dim outside(1) as double dim swcurve as sldworks.curve dim dresults as double set swface = swbody.getfirstface do while not swface is nothing darea = swface.getarea if abs((darea * dthickness) - dvolume) < (dvolume * 0.1) then exit do end if set swface = swface.getnextface loop ' box = swface.getbox normal = swface.normal dtrans(0) = normal(2) dtrans(1) = normal(0) dtrans(2) = normal(1) dtrans(3) = normal(1) dtrans(4) = normal(2) dtrans(5) = normal(0) dtrans(6) = normal(0) dtrans(7) = normal(1) dtrans(8) = normal(2) dtrans(9) = 0 dtrans(10) = 0 dtrans(11) = 0 dtrans(12) = 0 dtrans(13) = 0 dtrans(14) = 0 dtrans(15) = 0 vtrans = dtrans set swmathutil = swapp.getmathutility set swmathtrans = swmathutil.createtransform(vtrans) set swmathtrans = swmathtrans.inverse dcutlength = 0# lpiercecount = swface.getloopcount set swloop = swface.getfirstloop do vedges = swloop.getedges for count = 0 to ubound(vedges) set swedge = vedges(count) set swcurve = swedge.getcurve vedgeparameters = swedge.getcurveparams2 dcurvelength = swcurve.getlength3(vedgeparameters(6), vedgeparameters(7)) dcutlength = dcutlength + dcurvelength next count set swloop = swloop.getnext if swloop is nothing then exit do loop set swloop = swface.getfirstloop do while not swloop is nothing if swloop.isouter then exit do set swloop = swloop.getnext loop if swloop.getedgecount > 1 then vedges = swloop.getedges bstart = false for each vedge in vedges set swedge = vedge vcurveparams = swedge.getcurveparams2 dpoint(0) = vcurveparams(0) dpoint(1) = vcurveparams(1) dpoint(2) = vcurveparams(2) vpoint = dpoint set swmathpoint = swmathutil.createpoint(vpoint) set swmathpoint = swmathpoint.multiplytransform(swmathtrans) vstartpoint = swmathpoint.arraydata dpoint(0) = vcurveparams(0) dpoint(1) = vcurveparams(1) dpoint(2) = vcurveparams(2) vpoint = dpoint set swmathpoint = swmathutil.createpoint(vpoint) set swmathpoint = swmathpoint.multiplytransform(swmathtrans) vendpoint = swmathpoint.arraydata if bstart = false then dxmin = vstartpoint(0) dxmax = vstartpoint(0) dymin = vstartpoint(1) dymax = vstartpoint(1) bstart = true else if vstartpoint(0) < dxmin then dxmin = vstartpoint(0) if vstartpoint(0) > dxmax then dxmax = vstartpoint(0) if vstartpoint(1) < dymin then dymin = vstartpoint(1) if vstartpoint(1) > dymax then dymax = vstartpoint(1) end if if vendpoint(0) < dxmin then dxmin = vendpoint(0) if vendpoint(0) > dxmax then dxmax = vendpoint(0) if vendpoint(1) < dymin then dymin = vendpoint(1) if vendpoint(1) > dymax then dymax = vendpoint(1) next vedge outside(0) = conversion(toin, dxmax - dxmin) outside(1) = conversion(toin, dymax - dymin) getoutsidedimensions = outside else ' handle complete circle vedges = swloop.getedges set swedge = vedges(0) set swcurve = swedge.getcurve vresults = swcurve.circleparams dresults = vresults(6) * 2 outside(0) = conversionmodule.conversion(toin, dresults) outside(1) = conversionmodule.conversion(toin, dresults) getoutsidedimensions = outside end if end function 'you will also need my unit conversion function function conversion(numericconversion, nvalue as double) as double ' for solidworks all nominal units are in meters ' therefore all conversions will be to or from meters select case numericconversion case inin conversion = nvalue * 0.0254 case toin conversion = nvalue * 39.3701 case inmm conversion = nvalue * 0.001 case tomm conversion = nvalue * 1000 case incm conversion = nvalue * 0.01 case tocm conversion = nvalue * 100 case inm conversion = nvalue * 1# case tom conversion = nvalue * 1# case inft conversion = nvalue * 0.3048 case toft conversion = nvalue * 3.28084 case else debug.print "unrecognised unit type." end select end function thanks. solidworks 2006,2007,2008,2009 (office premium.) core 2 duo e6850 @ 3.00 mhz window xp pro sp3 32 bit ati firegl v7350 your first problem is you never define swconfigmgr, you must do that first: set swconfigmgr = swmodel.configurationmanager thanks luke, i am having another error and i think it is with the math utility if i run it errors out at "outside(0) = conversionmodule.conversion(swinches, dresults)" "object required" outside(0) = 0 and the math uitily is also = nothing. just can't see what wrong somthing must not be defined properly yet. anybody got any ideas ? thanks solidworks 2006,2007,2008,2009 (office premium.) core 2 duo e6850 @ 3.00 mhz window xp pro sp3 32 bit ati firegl v7350 with enough playing around i was able to get it to work but it does not work the i hoped it would. if the part is on an angle then it doesn't work so this macro is useless to me. well not giving up i found the following code in the api help which i think is suppose to do the trick get and length and width from active part but it does not work. it has few declaration problems. when i run the code i get a compile error "user-defined type not difined" whith these 2. dim ooutlinecurve as outlinecurve dim ooutline as outline is it something that once existed in solidworks but does not anymore or am i suppose to addin a reference for them ? option explicit dim swapp as sldworks.sldworks sub main() dim swmodel as sldworks.modeldoc2 dim swpart as sldworks.partdoc dim swmodeler as sldworks.modeler dim swmathutility as sldworks.mathutility dim vbodies as variant dim swbody as sldworks.body2 dim avector(2) as double dim vvector as variant dim swvector as sldworks.mathvector dim dtolerance as double dim vcurves as variant dim vtopologicalentities as variant dim vindices as variant dim lnumcurves as long dim ooutlinecurve as outlinecurve dim ooutline as outline dim dictoutlines as scripting.dictionary dim loutlineidx as long dim lidx as long dim voutline as variant dim voutlinecurve as variant dim swentity as sldworks.entity dim swedge as sldworks.edge dim swface as sldworks.face2 dim bvalue as boolean dim swcurve as sldworks.curve dim dstartparam as double dim dendparam as double dim bisclosed as boolean dim bisperiodic as boolean dim vstartpoint as variant dim vendpoint as variant dim vcircleparams as variant dim acenterpoint(2) as double dim vtesspts as variant dim nchordtol as double dim nlengthtol as double dim swsketchsegment as sldworks.sketchsegment dim acolours(5) as long nchordtol = 0.00000001 nlengthtol = 0.0000000000001 acolours(0) = rgb(255, 0, 0) acolours(1) = rgb(0, 255, 0) acolours(2) = rgb(0, 0, 255) acolours(3) = rgb(255, 255, 0) acolours(4) = rgb(255, 0, 255) acolours(5) = rgb(0, 255, 255) set swapp = application.sldworks set swmodeler = swapp.getmodeler set swmathutility = swapp.getmathutility set swmodel = swapp.activedoc set swpart = swmodel vbodies = swpart.getbodies2(swbodytype_e.swsolidbody, false) ' look along the z-axis in the negative direction; ' this corresponds to the front view avector(0) = 0# avector(1) = 0# avector(2) = -1# vvector = avector set swvector = swmathutility.createvector((vvector)) ' default value dtolerance = 0.00001 lnumcurves = swmodeler.getbodyoutline((vbodies), swvector, dtolerance, vcurves, vtopologicalentities, vindices) if (lnumcurves > 0) then debug.print "#curves = " & lnumcurves set dictoutlines = new scripting.dictionary loutlineidx = -1 for lidx = 0 to (lnumcurves - 1) if (vindices(lidx) <> loutlineidx) then loutlineidx = vindices(lidx) set ooutline = new outline ooutline.lindex = loutlineidx dictoutlines.add loutlineidx, ooutline end if set ooutlinecurve = new outlinecurve set ooutlinecurve.swcurve = vcurves(lidx) set ooutlinecurve.swentity = vtopologicalentities(lidx) on error resume next set swedge = vtopologicalentities(lidx) if (not (swedge is nothing)) then ' here: real edge ooutlinecurve.ntype = swseledges end if on error resume next outlinecurve does not exist anywhere in the sw api. perhaps this macro was written and then the objects removed and restructured. you can try just creating the objects as they are very simple. just add 2 new classes, one called outline that has this code: public lindex as integer public dictcurves as dictionary private sub class_initialize() dictcurves = new dictionary end sub and one called outlinecurve that has this code: public swcurve as curve public swentity as entity public ntype as long and see if you code works then thanks for the reply. in class "outline" i get an error with dictcurves "argument not optional" solidworks 2006,2007,2008,2009 (office premium.) core 2 duo e6850 @ 3.00 mhz window xp pro sp3 32 bit ati firegl v7350 make sure microsoft scripting runtime is referenced, and change it to: set dictcurves = new dictionary thanks luke for all of your help. after all this i find this is not the right one either. does any body have a bounding box macro that gets a very acurate length or width regardless if the part is on a plain or not that they would be willing to share ? solidworks 2006,2007,2008,2009 (office premium.) core 2 duo e6850 @ 3.00 mhz window xp pro sp3 32 bit ati firegl v7350 i was looking for a macro to give the length/width of the part. would be nice if this was in sw already. cswp solidworks office professional 2008, sp 3.1 pc #1: dell precision t3400, core2duo 2.33ghz, 4gb ram, nvidia quadro fx 1700 pc #2: dell precision 380, p4 3.80ghz, 2gb ram, nvidia quadro fx 1400 the bounding box thing is one that many people have tried to accurately solve. i will be doing a 16dp accuracy bounding box solver in one of my next commercial programs and will sell a dll library for .net programmers to add to their programs that can call the function to give the bounding box and width/height/depth etc... as for vba, i believe there is one out there somewhere that increments degrees to brute force find the bounding box. try searching the forums hi luke, i found the macro that increments brute force to find the bounding box but if you want it to be accurate it takes a lot of time to calculate the bounding box. i was wondering, would it work to select a face and have the macro set the co-ordinet system to line up with the selected face temporarily then just use one of the macros that already exists to calculate the width and length ? if that is too complicated, would it work to make a drawing of a flat pattern and get the bounding box of the view ? let me know what you think. thanks solidworks 2006,2007,2008,2009 (office premium.) core 2 duo e6850 @ 3.00 mhz window xp pro sp3 32 bit ati firegl v7350 |
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