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默认 How to do a product presentation I


Study the phrases you can use in a product presentation.

A product presentation's main objective is to introduce a new product or service. Therefore, a product presentation should give clear and detailed information. It should describe the uses, features, and materials of the product or service.

A secondary objective is to convince people to buy the new product or service. Make the listeners see the importance of owning the product or service you are offering.

Parts of a presentation

A presentation has three parts:

I. Introduction
II. Body
III. Conclusion


Make sure you create a good beginning. A good beginning will make your listeners interested in the rest of your presentation.

Signalling a start

There are phrases and expressions you can use to let your listeners know you are going to start the presentation.

Marco: All right, ladies and gentlemen. Shall we begin? I'm here to talk to you about our latest digital offering.

There are many ways to introduce a subject.

Telling a personal story or funny anecdote relevant to the topic

You can tell a funny story related to your topic. This can help make your listeners more interested in it.

Marco: I remember when we had to wait for months to get our photographs printed. We didn't have digital cameras back then.

Giving some impressive statistics and facts

You can also start with facts that can grab your listeners' attention.

Marco: Did you know that around 250 million photographs are shared on Facebook every day?

Stating the importance of your topic

It may also help to remind your listeners why your topic is important.

Marco: It's important to understand that nothing captures a moment as well as a nice photograph can.

Using a startling statement or a quotation

You can also use words said by an important person to make your introduction more interesting.

Marco: Writer and filmmaker Susan Sontag once said, "Today everything exists to end in a photograph."

Asking a rhetorical question

A rhetorical question is asked for effect; no answer is expected. Asking a rhetorical question makes listeners reflect on their own thoughts.

Marco: How many photographs do you take in a week? In a day? In one lunch meeting with old friends, at your old favorite restaurant that still serves all your favorite food?

Introducing your product

There are phrases you can use to introduce the product itself.

Marco: I'd like to present to you Photografix XYZ567!


Below are phrases you can use in your product presentation.

Signaling a start

All right, ladies and gentlemen. Shall we begin?
OK, let's begin.
Right, then, everybody ...
OK, I'd like to begin by ... OK, I'd like to begin by showing you our new product line.

Telling a personal story or funny anecdote relevant to the topic

I remember when ... I remember when making copies of documents took hours.
A few days/weeks/months/years ago ... A few years ago, I went on an African safari. I lost my camera.

Giving some impressive statistics and facts

Did you know that _____?
Not many people know that ...

Stating the importance of your topic

_____ is such an important (topic) because ...
It's important to know/realize/understand that _____ because ...

Introducing your topic

I want to cover ...
I'd like to talk about ...
First of all, I'd like to ...
Let me just briefly give you some background information on ...

Presenting your product

Here is the ...
Everyone, this is (the) ...
I'd like to show you ...
I'd like to present ...
I'd like to present to you ...
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How to do a product presentation II

Study the phrases you can use in a product presentation.

A product presentation's main objective is to introduce a new product or service. Therefore, a product presentation should give clear and detailed information. It should describe the uses, features, and materials of the product or service.

A secondary objective is to convince people to buy the new product or service. Make the listeners see the importance of owning the product or service you are offering.

Parts of a presentation

A presentation has three parts:

I. Introduction
II. Body
III. Conclusion


The body should discuss the ideas given in the introduction. Provide supporting details to the main idea. Here are a few ways to organize your ideas:
• as events happened in time
• from simple to complex ideas
• from least important to most important ideas

Giving examples

Examples should clearly illustrate the main idea.

Marco: For example, with our new digital camera, the Photografix XYZ567, you can take very clear pictures at night.

Finishing one topic and moving to the next

Make it easy for the listeners to follow the flow of your presentation. Let them know if you are finishing one idea or topic and moving to the next one. Show the connection between the previous idea and the next idea.

Marco: That's it for the camera's photo capture settings. Let's now turn to its connectivity features.

Analyzing a point

You must be able to show your listeners that you understand a point well. You must be thorough in looking at a particular point from several angles. Analyzing a point means asking pertinent questions and coming up with good answers.

Marco: So what does this mean? For you, our users, it means skipping a tedious file transfer step, because you can upload your photos directly from your camera!

Making recommendations

You can make recommendations as well. Note that your tone for making recommendations depends on who your audience is. There are indirect expressions.

Marco: You might want to think about the convenience this would bring you.

And there are direct expressions:

Marco: I'll tell you what. Let's do it this way. I'll let you test this camera for two weeks.

Dealing with questions

Your audience might have some questions for you. Here are different ways to respond to questions.

For accepting questions

Marco: Are there any questions? I'd be happy to answer them.

For addressing a question directly

Marco: You raise an interesting point. My answer to that is yes, our customer service can assist you in setting your unit up.

For rejecting a question and providing a reason

Marco: I'm afraid that is beyond my topic.

For delaying giving an answer

Marco: I'm sorry, but I do not have that information right now. I'll check my resources and then get back to you.

Basic sequencing

As always, you will need to show the structure of your presentation. An organized presentation is easy to follow.

Marco: First of all, I will show you the camera's highly advanced settings. Then, I will show you its new connectivity features. To finish up, I will show you how the Photografix XYZ567 can transform the way you take photographs.


Below are phrases you can use in your product presentation.

Giving examples

For example, … For example, this product has Wi-Fi connectivity.
A good example of this is … A good example of this is our product's Wi-Fi connectivity.
For instance, … For instance, you can upload your images directly from your camera.
To illustrate, … To illustrate, clicking on this button will update your shopping list.

Finishing one idea or topic and moving to the next

Let's leave that and move on to …
That's it for [idea/topic]. Let's now turn to … That's it for the technical specifications. Let's now turn to the product features.

Analyzing a point

So what does this mean?
What this means is … What this means is you will save three to five hours a week on cleaning your coffeemaker.
What could we conclude from this?
Where does this leave us?
To put it in perspective, … To put it in perspective, you spend three to five hours a week cleaning your coffeemaker. Our CoffeeCup Express, with its automatic self-cleaning system, will save you that time!

Making recommendations

Indirect expressions

If you ask me, …
What I would do is …
You might want to …
It may be a good idea to …

Direct expressions

You must …
You should …
You have to …
I'll tell you what. Let's do it this way …

Dealing with questions

For accepting questions

Are there any questions? I'd be happy to answer them.

For addressing a question directly

You raise an interesting point. My answer to that is …

For rejecting a question and providing a reason

I'm afraid that is beyond my topic or field of expertise.

For delaying giving an answer

Let's tackle that at the end of the presentation, shall we?
I'm sorry, but I do not have that information right now. I'll check my resources and then get back to you.

Basic sequencing

First, ... Second, ...Third, ...
First of all, ... then, ... next, ... after that, ... finally/lastly, ...
To start with, ... later, ... to finish up, ...
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旧 2016-06-22, 04:37 PM   #3
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How to do a product presentation III

Study the phrases you can use in a product presentation.

A product presentation's main objective is to introduce a new product or service. Therefore, a product presentation should give clear and detailed information. It should describe the uses, features, and materials of the product or service.

A secondary objective is to convince people to buy the new product or service. Make the listeners see the importance of owning the product or service you are offering.

Parts of a presentation

A presentation has three parts:

I. Introduction
II. Body
III. Conclusion


You want your conclusion to be memorable. You want to leave your audience with your main ideas.

Signaling the end

There are some expressions you can say to signal to your listeners that your presentation is ending.

Marco: That completes my presentation.


Before ending your presentation, you can briefly repeat the main points discussed in the body.

Marco: Let's summarize what we've discussed. First, I presented to you our new camera. Second, I discussed its unique features that you would surely enjoy.

Looking back

While giving your conclusion, you may want to refer to points you mentioned earlier.

Marco: As I said before, people now take photos to share them online.

Asking for questions

You may also give your listeners a chance to ask questions or share their thoughts.

Marco: Finally, I'll be happy to answer your questions.

Closing question time

However, you may not have a lot of time for questions. You can close question time properly.

Marco: I'm afraid that's all we have time for. Thanks for your questions, everybody.

Closing the presentation

You can thank your listeners again.

Marco: Thank you for coming. Enjoy the revolutionary Photografix XYZ567!


Below are phrases you can use in your product presentation.

Signaling the end

That completes my presentation.
That covers all I want/wanted to say today.
That brings me to the end of my presentation.


In conclusion, …
To sum up, …
Let me give you a recap …
Let's summarize what we've discussed …

Looking back

Let's look back for a moment … Let's look back for a moment on the unique features of Product XYZ.
To go back to … To go back to the features of Product XYZ, it has Wi-Fi connectivity.
As I said before, … As I said before, Product XYZ has Wi-Fi connectivity.

Asking for questions

Are there any questions?
Do you have any questions?
Finally, I'll be happy to answer your questions.
Now, I'd like to invite any questions you might have.

Handling questions

To clarify

I didn't quite catch that.
Could you go over that again?
Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean.
If I understand you correctly, you are saying/asking … If I understand you correctly, you are asking if the MX6 software is compatible with this product. Is that correct?

To play for time

That's a good point.
That's a difficult question.
I'm glad you raised that point.
That's an interesting comment.

To say you don't know

I'm afraid I don't know at the moment.
I'm sorry, but I don't have that information at this moment.

To avoid giving answers

I'm afraid that's not my field.
I'll get back to you if time permits.
I'm sure (name of person) could answer this question.

To check if the questioner is satisfied

Is that clear?
Does that answer your question?

To conclude the questions

If there are no more questions, … If there are no more questions, we can end here.
Perhaps on that note we could end?
I'm afraid that's all we have time for.
Right, if nobody wants to ask anything else, I think we can finish here.

Closing the presentation

I'm going to conclude by saying that … I'm going to conclude by saying that this product will revolutionize the market.
I'm going to conclude by inviting you to … I'm going to conclude by inviting you to try out our new product.
I'm going to conclude by quoting … I'm going to concluded by quoting Steve Jobs, who said, "Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
In conclusion, let me leave you with this thought … In conclusion, let me leave you with this thought: Life is too short to not have fun.
In conclusion, let me invite you to … In conclusion, let me invite you to try out out new product.

Thanking the audience

Thank you for listening.
Thank you for coming.
I'd like to thank you all on behalf of Company X.
I'd like to thank you all for your participation.
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