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默认 Where do errors and uncertainties come from?

Chapter 4
Where do errors and uncertainties come from?

Many things can undermine a measurement. Flaws in the measurement may be visible or invisible. Because real measurements are never made under perfect conditions, errors and uncertainties can come from:
  1. The measuring instrument - instruments can suffer from errors including bias, changes due to ageing, wear, or other kinds of drift, poor readability, noise (for electrical instruments) and many other problems.
  2. The item being measured - which may not be stable. (Imagine trying to measure the size of an ice cube in a warm room.)
  3. The measurement process - the measurement itself may be difficult to make. For example measuring the weight of small but lively animals presents particular difficulties in getting the subjects to co-operate.
  4. ‘Imported’ uncertainties - calibration of your instrument has an uncertainty which is then built into the uncertainty of the measurements you make. (But remember that the uncertainty due to not calibrating would be much worse.)
  5. Operator skill - some measurements depend on the skill and judgement of the operator. One person may be better than another at the delicate work of setting up a measurement, or at reading fine detail by eye. The use of an instrument such as a stopwatch depends on the reaction time of the operator. (But gross mistakes are a different matter and are not to be accounted for as uncertainties.)
  6. Sampling issues - the measurements you make must be properly representative of the process you are trying to assess. If you want to know the temperature at the work-bench, don’t measure it with a thermometer placed on the wall near an air conditioning outlet. If you are choosing samples from a production line for measurement, don’t always take the first ten made on a Monday morning.
  7. The environment - temperature, air pressure, humidity and many other conditions can affect the measuring instrument or the item being measured.
Where the size and effect of an error are known (e.g. from a calibration certificate) a correction can be applied to the measurement result. But, in general, uncertainties from each of these sources, and from other sources, would be individual "inputs" contributing to the overall uncertainty in the measurement.
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【发布】pc-dmis huangyhg PC-DMIS 0 2005-04-12 06:04 PM

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