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旧 2009-05-05, 09:41 AM   #1
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yang686526 向着好的方向发展
默认 【转帖】error linking application

error linking application
error linking application
im trying understand the dwgdirect library and make tests with samples.
in moment, i see vectorizeex and it can help me in my application: i need import dxf files to internal application proprietary format. the format only understand lines, circles and points. this sample describe the dxf files and divide in simple objects (lines, points and circles): i need exactly this !
well, im trying add this sample in my applications (changing, of course, any lines). im passing by compilation but get error messages in link...
1) when i dont include exservices sources in my application
2) when i include exhostappservices.cpp source in my application.
have a limitations to use mfc library ?
whats the differerces betwen vc6md (dll or not), vc6ml and vc6mt ?
i add in my project all librarys showed in the vectorize sample:
dd_vc6md_ave.lib dd_vc6md_gi.lib dd_vc6md_br.lib dd_vc6md_spatialindex.lib dd_vc6md_zlib.lib dd_vc6md_alloc.lib dd_vc6md_acisrenderer.lib dd_vc6md_acisbuilder.lib dd_vc6md_modelergeometry.lib dd_vc6md_db.lib dd_vc6md_ge.lib dd_vc6md_gs.lib dd_vc6md_root.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib
please, help me ! ! !
error messages:
1) when i dont include exservices sources in my application
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall exhostappservices::setlimit(int)" (?setlimit@exhostappservices@@uaexh@z)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall exhostappservices::meterprogress(void)" (?meterprogress@exhostappservices@@uaexxz)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall exhostappservices::stop(void)" (?stop@exhostappservices@@uaexxz)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall exhostappservices::start(char const *)" (?start@exhostappservices@@uaexpbd@z)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual class odsmartptr<class odgsdevice> __thiscall exhostappservices::gsbitmapdevice(void)" (?gsbitmapdevice@exhostappservices@@uae?av?$odsmar tptr@vodgsdevice@@@@xz)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual class odhatchpatternmanager * __thiscall exhostappservices:atternmanager(void)" (?patternmanager@exhostappservices@@uaepavodhatchp atternmanager@@xz)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual bool __thiscall exhostappservices::ttffilenamebydescriptor(class odttfdescriptor const &,class odstring &)" (?ttffilenamebydescriptor@exhostappservices@@uae_n abvodttfdescri
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual class odsmartptr<class oddbdatabase> __thiscall exhostappservices::readfile(char const *,bool,bool,enum oda::filesharemode,class odwstring const &)" (?readfile@exhostappser
vices@@uae?av?$odsmartptr@voddbdatabase@@@@pbd_n1w 4filesharemode@oda@@abvodwstring@@@z)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall exhostappservices::releaseprogressmeter(class oddbhostappprogressmeter *)" (?releaseprogressmeter@exhostappservices@@uaexpavo ddbhostappprogressmeter@@@z)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual class oddbhostappprogressmeter * __thiscall exhostappservices::newprogressmeter(void)" (?newprogressmeter@exhostappservices@@uaepavoddbho stappprogressmeter@@xz)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual enum odcodepageid __thiscall exsystemservices::systemcodepage(void)const " (?systemcodepage@exsystemservices@@ube?aw4odcodepa geid@@xz)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual class odstring __thiscall exsystemservices::formatmessage(unsigned int,char * *)" (?formatmessage@exsystemservices@@uae?avodstring@@ ipapad@z)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual __int64 __thiscall exsystemservices::getfilesize(char const *)" (?getfilesize@exsystemservices@@uae_jpbd@z)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual long __thiscall exsystemservices::getfilemtime(char const *)" (?getfilemtime@exsystemservices@@uaejpbd@z)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual long __thiscall exsystemservices::getfilectime(char const *)" (?getfilectime@exsystemservices@@uaejpbd@z)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual bool __thiscall exsystemservices::accessfile(char const *,int)" (?accessfile@exsystemservices@@uae_npbdh@z)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual class odsmartptr<class odstreambuf> __thiscall exsystemservices::createfile(char const *,enum oda::fileaccessmode,enum oda::filesharemode,enum oda::filecreationdisposition)
" (?createfile@exsystemservices@@uae?av?$odsmartptr@ vodstreambuf@@@@pbdw4fileaccessmode@oda@@w4filesha remode@4@w4filecreationdisposition@4@@z)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall exhostappservices::exhostappservices(void)" (??0exhostappservices@@qae@xz)
importardxf.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall exsystemservices::exsystemservices(void)" (??0exsystemservices@@qae@xz)
debug/icone.exe : fatal error lnk1120: 19 unresolved externals
error executing link.exe.
2) when i include exhostappservices.cpp source in my application.
c:\arquivos de programas\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xlocinfo(55) : error c2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '*'
c:\arquivos de programas\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xlocinfo(56) : error c2501: '_getlconv' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
c:\arquivos de programas\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xlocinfo(56) : warning c4183: '_getlconv': member function definition looks like a ctor, but name does not match enclosing class
c:\arquivos de programas\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xlocale(22) : error c2065: 'lc_collate' : undeclared identifier
c:\arquivos de programas\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xlocale(22) : error c2057: expected constant expression
c:\arquivos de programas\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xlocale(22) : error c2065: 'lc_ctype' : undeclared identifier
c:\arquivos de programas\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xlocale(22) : error c2057: expected constant expression
c:\arquivos de programas\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xlocale(23) : error c2065: 'lc_monetary' : undeclared identifier
c:\arquivos de programas\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xlocale(23) : error c2057: expected constant expression
c:\arquivos de programas\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xlocale(23) : error c2065: 'lc_numeric' : undeclared identifier
c:\arquivos de programas\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xlocale(23) : error c2057: expected constant expression
c:\arquivos de programas\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xlocale(24) : error c2065: 'lc_time' : undeclared identifier
c:\arquivos de programas\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xlocale(24) : error c2057: expected constant expression
c:\fontes\nova vers鉶\icone\exservices\exhostappservices.cpp(274) : error c2065: 'max' : undeclared identifier
error executing cl.exe.
creating browse info file...
see the downloading & installing/supported platforms/windows (32-bit) section in dwgdirect.chm for details on the compiler settings used to build our md, mt, and ml libs.
you might also try building odvectorizeex using the sample vc6 project file contained in the projectfiles directory. if that will build successfully for you then you can compare the project settings, #include files, etc. which are used there, against what you are doing in your app.

when i include the extended object files (*.obj), links work without problems...
but, i think, to my tests, i will need change any this files...
how did you resolve the problem?
i am having a similar problem. how did you resolve your problem?
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于2004年创办,几何尺寸与公差论坛"致力于产品几何量公差标准GD&T | GPS研究/CAD设计/CAM加工/CMM测量"。免责声明:论坛严禁发布色情反动言论及有关违反国家法律法规内容!情节严重者提供其IP,并配合相关部门进行严厉查处,若內容有涉及侵权,请立即联系我们QQ:44671734。注:此论坛须管理员验证方可发帖。