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旧 2009-09-05, 07:30 PM   #1
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huangyhg 向着好的方向发展
默认 ransitioning from iso 9001-1994 to -2000

transitioning from iso 9001-1994 to -2000
there is a body of opinion where i work that our quality operating procedures can be made iso 9001-2000 compliant by simply adding the newly introduced elements to our existing procedures from our iso 9001-1994 compliant manual. this runs against what i have seen and heard, would anyone care to weigh in on this?
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the numbering sequence and content of sections between the 1994 and 2000 standards are different. i don't think you can just add the new sections, your entire qms will probably have to be rewritten.
art without engineering is dreaming; engineering without art is calculating.
steven k. roberts, technomad
we were going to renumber everything. my contention is that the elements that remain from -1994 have been changed substantially enough that our existing operating procedures will no longer be in conformance with the standard. i can't see where just pasting in the elements in -2000 that did not exist in the -1994 standard will bring our quality operating procedures into compliance.
i agree that it will not be a simple cut & paste process, but nothing has really been added, just rearranged and simplified. your registrar should be able to provide you with a list or conversion chart that breaks down the requirements of iso9001:2000 and how the elements of iso9001:1994 fill those requirements. for example:
new 4.1--> requirements of old 4.2.1
new 4.2--> requirements of old 4.2.1,4.2.2,4.5,4.16
new 5.1--> requirements of old 4.1.1
new 5.2--> requiremetns of old 4.3.2
new 5.3--> requirements of old 4.1.1
new 5.4--> requirements of old 4.1.1, 4.2.3
new 5.5--> requiremetns of old,
new 5.6--> requirements of old 4.1.3
etc, etc. your company will still need to conduct a gap analysis, but i think you will find that you probably can use much of what you have in your existing qms.
art without engineering is dreaming; engineering without art is calculating.
steven k. roberts, technomad
i have been through the transition before. it was not nearly as difficult as i first thought it was going to be. the reference document has an appendix or listing in the back that relates old to new section numbers.
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