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旧 2009-09-05, 07:27 PM   #1
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huangyhg 向着好的方向发展
默认 standard formatting

standard formatting
is anyone familiar with an industry standard for typeface and font size in engineering documentation?
the iso/iec directives part 3 avoids this subject matter, as does the ieeee standards style manual. however, joan g. nagle's book 'handbook for preparing engineering documents'identifies 'the most commonly used body typefaces are times roman, century schoolbook, garamond, and bodoni.'
any advice or other sources to search?
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you may have better luck searching through ergonomics or human/interface design texts. from what i recall, the font size needs to make the height of the letters take up x number of degrees of the viewing area when viewed at the in-use distance. this is why road signs are so big. unfortunately i don't recall what x is supposed to be.
engineering drawings are to be created to ansi y14.2, line conventions and letterings.
ben loosli
cad/cam system analyst
when i was doing my master's degree the recommended fonts for the thesis were either arial or times new roman.
there seems to be two formats to write reports in - times new roman font size 12 and arial font size 11. the uni i'm doing my master's with only accepts times new roman and hence what i'm accustomed to. however, there are arduant supporters out there for arial.
i'd like to know if your organizations have standardardized on a font type - or have felt that that was a minor item (to hard to tackle?)that distracts from the quality of the content of the document.
my research has suggested that documents that require time to read through should be in font similar to times new roman, and that shorter documents (including presentations) should be in arial.
any comments?
in the uk, bs8888:2002 "technical product documentation(tpd) - specification for defining, specifying and graphically representing products" is now the definitive standard for all technical documentation. however, it's not perfect and appears to overlook the written 'technical report' style document entirely, concentrating on drawings:
this standard cross-references en iso 128 "technical drawings" (in dozens of sections) and also bs en iso 3098 "technical product documentation - lettering"
3098-0 part 0 - tpd lettering general requirements
3098-2 part 2 - tpd latin alphabet numerals and marks
3098-3 part 3 - tpd greek alphabet
3098-4 part 4 - tpd diacritical and other marks latin
3098-3 part 5 - tpd cad lettering of the latin alphabet
3098-3 part 6 - tpd lettering - cyrillic alphabet
part 5 refers to the font for drawings which is the basis for autodesks and others 'iso' font.
this font provides excellent clarity but can make large documents look like 'first steps in reading' kids books because the font is so unmistakable.
times roman fonts are not good for the clear reading of mission-critical text. (they were, when originally created by the uk times newspaper 100 years ago, but then the priority was to create the maximum size with minimum surface area = minimum ink use) i can understand a uni liking times because it provides an old look to modern documentation and minimised toner use in printers.
for clarity and ease of recognition, i suggest you as a company standardise on a typeface as the basis for a 'house style'. consistency in the appearance of documentation across a project is as important as the typeface used. it may sound beaurocratic, but half a day spent with project mamagers agreeing the format of text, titles and page layout can transform a big project from a load of disparate parts into a really superb cohesive whole.
i hope you can use some of these ramblings!
bob aka madmanxcadman
iso directives part 3 are now replaced by iso directives part 2:2001.
however, details such as font sizes etc. are automatic within the "iso template" that is now required for all iso work from dis (draft international standard) onwards. iso has a special website for standards developers:
if can amyone tell me where i can find free resources on engineering technical manuals standards?
many thanks for your help in advance
a portal to many "resources" may be found at
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