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旧 2009-09-10, 04:27 PM   #1
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huangyhg 向着好的方向发展
默认 no code adopted

no code adopted
i am doing work in rural iowa. most jurisdictions have nto adopted any building code. i have spoken on the phone with people in city government in every thown that i have worked in. after finding out that there is no code adopted, i fall back on the state building code which is an older version of the ubc. has anyone else run into this? what have you done?
in the absence of a local code, use the state building code. even if there is a local code, you should use the more stringent of the two, as the state's jurisdiction may have precedence. the state will likely update the building code to ibc soon enough, but you never know.
i have no experience with iowa but the icc adoption site lists ibc2003 as the state code effective 4-1-06.
i worked most of my career in a state with no building codes at all, but with both high wind and seismic concerns (south carolina adopted ibc 2000 when it became available and now uses ibc 2003).
absence of codes was not a problem, use a mixture of common sense, engineering judgment and references to whatever existing code you consider most appropriate - a real opportunity to employ true engineering skills. you do have to make sure that there is good construction management to ensure that work is performed the way you specified.
i agree with sra....we must follow a standard of care, and that would be to use a prevailing code that would be defensible, such as the current version of the state code, the ibc or even one that might be from a nearby larger city.
i would use the latest adopted state code, which appears to be ibc 2003.
sperlingpe - i also had a project (a forensic collapse investigation - actually two of them) on a farm involving a hog confinement building that collapsed. went through pretty much what you describe and then fell back to the state building code. i was pretty desperate to find a governing code as my report and statements depended on having a rational basis for explaining why some wood trusses collapsed under snow loading.
oh...this was also in iowa!
i've noticed the icc site is less than useful in its listing. for example, it shows texas as following ibc, but that only applies to commercial buildings in city limits- but the icc site would lead you to believe it's a blanket requirement.
doing some checking on iowa- yes, there is a state building code- but whether it is applicable to any particular rural structure is a different matter:
"661鈥?01.1(103a) scope and applicability. the provisions of this chapter apply generally to buildings and facilities owned by the state of iowa and to buildings and facilities in local jurisdictions which have adopted the state building code by local ordinance in accordance with the provisions of iowa code section 103a.12."
ie, if the local jurisdiction hasn't adopted a building code and it's not owned by the state, there still isn't a building code applicable to the structure, as best i can tell.
my preference, if the law doesn't specifically require a building code for the case, would be to use the latest codes available rather than, say, the 2003 version.
more info at:
you have to be careful with the international code council's chart on locations that have adopted their code. the icon states that one or more international codes are currently enforced statewide. there are about 14 different icc codes, so that doesn't necessarily mean the ibc is adopted statewide. irc (residental code) is also a popular one and they also have a fire code, mechanical code etc. , so it could be any of these codes that have been adopted by the state.
the "access board" has a state code contact list see
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