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旧 2009-04-12, 07:38 PM   #1
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yang686526 向着好的方向发展
默认 【转帖】solidworks 2008 api book - released

solidworks 2008 api book - released
i'd buy it the second it's out...
even if it was only a small website which offers pdf's i could pay for it. ( might not take that long to be finished )
it would be a fully qualified published book. looking at about 500+ pages. will take me about a month to complete i would of thought.
i have already registered an isbn number and applied for copyright of the final draft.
i am just finding out the interest for certain areas to see whether i self publish or go through a publisher and push for amazon, baker, tailor, ingram etc...
hi luke,
it certainly would be good to have a reference book for doing stuff with the sw api. in my opinion, most people that are writing macros or addins are design engineers and most are self taught weekend programmers so having a good programming resource is a must. i for one fit this category of programmer, so i am very interested. if you can tell me when it would be available and how much it would cost i would pre-order a copy today.
originally posted by: declan mctiernan
hi luke,
it certainly would be good to have a reference book for doing stuff with the sw api. in my opinion, most people that are writing macros or addins are design engineers and most are self taught weekend programmers so having a good programming resource is a must. i for one fit this category of programmer, so i am very interested. if you can tell me when it would be available and how much it would cost i would pre-order a copy today.
this a very good idea
mohamed abdel moniem | mechanical engineer
cswp, cswa, cswp core, cswp-smtl
solidworks 2009 sp3.0
vista x64 sp1.0
intel q6600, 8gb ram
ati hd 4850
3dconnexions spacenavigator
hi luke,
it would indeed be helpful. it is manageable if you could provide code sample only in vb and c#. but if you can throw some samples in c++ com it would be great.
right now i am finding it very frustrating. i think the api sdk is not at all used by sw internally. i think it is only meant to be used for automation with simple vb programs. in order to develop serious and complex sw applications i find the api missing some functionalities or not working correctly. i also find the api documentation poor and not comprehensive. the api has samples only for simple programming scenarios. even though sw sdk api is vast and needs some time spending on it, i have had so much headache using it
sw 2007 office premium sp1.0
ii would be interested. i agree with mitesh about the api samples. i find solidworks samples useful but often confusing, although i sometimes wish they would simplify their samples. sometimes i'm looking for information on one piece of code and it seems that i need to jump through 6 subroutines and 20 variables to understand one line of code. i have fount that studying code that others have put on the web is the most help. i have mike spens book and use it fairly often but i wish it covered more code.
dan miel
good good. sounds like we have interest.
well i have just got my costs sorted today, and it looks like i will be retailing at about £25-£30 for a copy, depending how many pages it turns out to be.
as for coding examples; i will ship the cd with the book and it with definately contain c# and vba, possibly vb.net although its pretty much easy to convert from c# to vb.net, and depending on the coding i do, i may add c++ for you lot out there who would like that too, it would provide global programming references then.
i will get started on the book this weekend, but cannot really give a date yet, but can keep you updated. i will post a topic on my forum once i get started to keep you updated.
any more ideas and suggestions would be appreciated as they are easy to implement now rather than 6 weeks in.
one quick point i realized while studying the sdk api samples is that most of the samples have preconditions. the precondition that i don't like is the requirement of selecting an entity (not sw entity but anything that is selectable). this precondition may serve the author's intent of making the sample code short and to the point but it didn't help me a lot.
but if code was provided for how to get the interface for the entity from ground up it would have saved me a lot time. so a mixture of samples of getting the entity from ground up and selection of the entity would no doubt be pretty helpful.
sw 2007 office premium sp1.0
luke, i would be interested. i am trying to create a program in .net at the moment for our cad users to search the pdmworks workgroup vault to publish as a pdf, print using edrawings. i need it to be able to create mulitple drawing.
rodney michels
cad administrator
cswp;pdmworks wg cert
solidworks tech support cert
cert solidworks instructor
one topic that should be covered is the various methods of error handling. too many i've come across don't even know if the right type of document is loaded, and crash for no good reason.
another topic is showing people how to pull multiple sources of data from a single external file ".ini".
also, if you would like examples of macros, let me know. as long as my website and name are credited, i have a couple cool examples that you may be interested in.
matt lorono
solidworks 2007 sp3.1
cad engineer/ecn analyst
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